Feb 26, 2006 14:46
well. the rally was really neat. i didnt actually get to see the nazis because we were a little late. i got some really cool pictures of the crowd. i was really scared at first that something was going to break out but it wasnt bad at all. the police werent being completely ridiculous although im sure some people would automatically disagree with that because CLEARLY cops could never do anything good.
however- i think they did a nice job. i was standing over by the line of police so i could take some pictures and not once did they do anything unnecessary. i didnt even see them talk to anyone. they simply just stood there. watching. at the end they did make us retreat rather hastily but it was something that they had to do.
i also hear that a couple of people got arrested. i can only imagine who. that happened before i got there and i dont know exactly what happened.
on the way to the rally, jessica and i were stopped by this guy and he was going on and on about how it was a "police state" down there and that "the police were the fascists" and told us not to go because some of his friends were arrested and he asked us for money for food not bombs to get them out. i had left my purse in the car so i couldnt contribute. but i thought that he was being really ignorant by saying those things. OF COURSE there are hundreds of police. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?! they HAD to be there so there wouldnt be complete chaos. im sorry that the police got in the way of you ripping the nazis heads off but thats their job and they have to do it. i saw a lot of fucking people when i was there and they were all peacefully protesting and not once did i see the police get involved. they were doing nothing wrong, so they had no right to do anything, and they didnt. obviously, these people that were arrested were not being so peaceful. out of the hundreds of people that were there, only 17 got arrested. if they would have followed the rules, they would not have been arrested. its as simple as that. you CAN voice your opinion without being beligerent or harmful or even POTENTIALLY harmful. and i have a feeling i might know a select few of the arrested, and i can easily imagine them being arrested for the way they tend to act.
certain groups of people bad mouth cops and couldnt ever possibly see cops ever doing anything remotely good. they preach about how people are so jaded and close minded by the police and they think that the police are actually protecting us. however, those people are hypocrits because they are just as closeminded, only on the opposite side. they cant see that without the police, death could insue.
now- i dont particularly love police either. however, you cant judge every policeman ever just because youve had a bad experience with one. thats just like racism, AND WASNT THAT WHAT EVERYONE WAS JUST PROTESTING ABOUT?! just because you dont like one person who is black, doesnt mean that ever black person ever is awful. just because one cop is crooked, doesnt mean they all are. GRANTED, the majority of them are not friendly, uncooperative, biased, and crooked. but there are a select few that are reasonable. and i believe that yesterday was handled very nicely. most of the cops shared the same beliefs of the protesters anyways. it could have been so awful. only 17 arrests and no one hurt- that is just amazing. i thought FOR SURE some crazy shit was going to go down. i am very happy it turned out the way it did.
no, im not some bush-loving republican now. i just think that some people can get out of hand and their closemindedness can cause them to automatically assume that it was the police that did it when really they were arrested because of what they THEMSELVES did.not anyone else.
and im sure like a million people dont agree with me but i really dont care because thats what i believe- not what everyone else believes. and sure you can call me jaded, or think im ridiculous but ive taken a look a both sides and come to my conclusions that stand right in the middle.
i bet the anarchists REALLY want to slaughter me now!