May 19, 2005 18:14
so ive been pretty sick the last few days. it sucks really bad. it was nice being home alone. it gave me a lot of time to think...
why cant i ever seem to find friends who want to be around me as much as i want to be around them? who actually call ME to hang out. that actually WANT me to be there with them. i just dont understand why that cant ever be acomplished. i mean, yeah, i have great friends, theres no doubt about that. it just seems like im never wanted around, and i dont really hang out with them. im home along 4 out of the 5 days of the week usually and the weekend is usually spent with my family and sometimes at shows if im lucky. what makes me so undesirable? what do i do that makes everyone not want to be around me? is it because im a bitch? fat? ugly? stupid? annoying? boring? i just dont understand why its so impossible. i guess im not doing something right but i really dont know what that wrong is. ah, god damn.
why is it so hard to find a boyfriend? again, what the hell am i doing wrong? every time it seems like something might work out, it takes a total turn for the worst and im always left feeling used, alone, worthless. i guess thats what im destined to be. used, alone, worthless. but i just dont know whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. please explain to me why i am so undesirable, why i cant seem to be tolerated, why ill be somewhat alone, plutonically and romantically, for what seems like the rest of my life.
while im constantly around people, talking to them and what not, i am so lonely. all of my relationships except for maybe two are just on the surface. i want something deeper. i want to be loved. is that so much to ask? what makes it so difficult to love me? what is it im doing that you dont like?
im a pretty happy person, which i will continue to be. but that is whats on the INSIDE.