we got up quite late and sauntered into town. it was the first chance we'd had to rest since we arrived so we didn't get into town until mid afternoon. i was thoroughly phased out my long sleep:
chris_letitburn's coffee addiction was getting out of hand.
if he went and lived there he'd be as fat as the rest of the americans.
vegetarian's paradise is a sick habit.
proof that chinese fortune cookies are bullshit.
notice the way chris is managing not to look totally excited and crazy in this picture? you can hardly even see him frothing at the mouth. he;s a good actor.
we headed up 5th avenue to central park...
chris_letitburn was trying to look cool. i figure he failed, but then he probably looks cool anyways just for hanging out with me.
the german race does tend to worry me somewhat...
the weather turned out kinda nice, which made me regret wearing the 52 layers i had on...
[right click and save as to see why the german race worries me]
it's hard being so fucking funny.
see, chris can't stop laughing when i'm around.
[right click and save as for douchy goings on in central park]
chris tried to climb a tree. but seen as german's ain't island monkies he couldn't manage it.
i had to show him how to do it.
he looks more like a monkey already.
someone should tell the horror that their drummer died.
so i know these ain't the steps, it might not even be the right city, but fuck y'all cuz i just dun care.
[right click and save as]
we called
throwingstarDNA but he wanted to be all pussyish and go see the international noise conspiracy. we couldn't be bothered forking out for that shit, so we went home and watched more 'the world's worst dates vol 5' or whatever that DVD was called.