I am falling in love with her and i haven't felt this way since Britt. I feel so comfortable and i love it. I am off to AZ in 12 days to see my parents for the day of thanks. I wish she could come with me, but its too late to get enough money for her to come. I will miss her A LOT. School is getting pretty tough, but i finally declared my major, which is art education ,so i am on my way to getting out of this stupid state of Indiana. I am getting my half sleeve this summer of the Virgin Mary and my dad's saint, St. Thomas, on the right side of her, closest to my heart, and my mom's saint, St. Maria, on the other side. With some floral on the base. Anyways just thought i would update on my life since i haven't really posted a good entry in a while. Hope everyone is doing well and Snuggles, Lunch, and Skid are doing much better now that i cleaned the house and they all say hi.
P.S. I am completely addicted to six feet under and i am getting ready to start season 3 right this very second!!!