(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 18:13

WARNING!!!: After a certain age deciding to sleep on the floor is just plain stupid . . . especially if back problems run in your family.

So besides the soreness life seems pretty okie dokie. Still major drama going on with the fam. But they're weird so never mind them. At work today I scrapbooked. Can you believe that? I'm actually being paid to scrapbook. And if all goes as planned I will be back in Europe in March. Mwwwaaaaaah. Only this time it won't just be the Paris scene. Oh no. It's all out pulling the big guns. But I'm getting ahead of myself. A Tout a l'heure.

I accidentally ran a red light yesterday. I nearly crapped my pants. What can I say? When the winds blowing on your face and Garbage is cranked up it's hard to notice little yellow lights. I was so scared that I was going to get a ticket or something (which I rightfully deserve) but the other car just went on its merry little way (cursing me I'm sure). Then I get home and my mom's acting all weird because she took a sleeping pill but then something woke her up. She was talking about dancing pigs. I thought she was drunk at first, but she wasn't. I almost started laughing cuz she sounded like a little girl with all her crazy babble. Just a day in the life of.
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