This is a Story About a Dwarf and a Giant.. { NC-17 Tao/XuiMin/LuHan }

May 11, 2012 17:43

Title: This is a Story About a Dwarf and a Giant..
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Tao/XuiMin/Lu Han
Warning: Smut
Type: One-Shot
W/C: 4,645

The first time that Xuimin met Tao was one of those days that you think you'll never forget. Xuimin and I were in the practice room getting ready to learn a new dance while waiting for the other boys to arrive. Xuimin was stretching his legs in the center of the room while I was sprawled out on the resting bench playing on my phone when we heard the soft click of the door being opened. We both turned to see who had arrived when a tall black haired (what seemed to be) boy stepped into the room. He instantly bowed and Xuimin hurried to his feet to bow back politely.
"Annyong~" Xuimin said softly as he smiled his little smile.
"Annyong oppa~" came the boy's instant response. I could hear the obvious accent roll off his tongue and XuiMin heard it too. The boy smiled innocently like nothing was strange and then he proceeded to look around the room as he dropped his bag to the floor.
Xuimin turned to give me the most confused look I'd ever seen him give another human being and all I could do was shrug before going back to playing on my phone. That was the day we met Tao and it was also the day that Tao learned what a true oppa was. I still have never seen his cheeks as fiery red as they were the second I told him in Mandarin just what he'd said. We didn't see him again for the rest of the day.


The first time that I found out about them was one of those days that you really want forget. I was walking quietly down the hallway with a mug of milk tea in one hand and a bag of grapes and my phone in the other. I was in the process of playing a Shake song and I was dominating so far when I walked past XuiMin's room. I was too focused to really realize what I'd heard until I was tucked away in bed, curled up and content that I'd gotten a new high score.
...... Then it dawned on me as I sat up straight in bed, my grapes rolling off to the side of me. "Who the hell did I just hear moaning 'oppa'??"
I was too scared to get up and see who all was home to find out and instead burrowed deep under my blankets on my bottom bunk, forcing myself to sleep so I wouldn't keep thinking about it.


It wasn't until a couple days later that I started to get an idea about who it had been. I walked quietly down the hallway one night while most of the members were asleep in their rooms with the exception of Yixing passed out outside of his bedroom in a heap of blankets. I stepped over him on my way to the living room and was planning on watching an episode of my favorite Korean drama, Love Rain, before heading to bed. I innocently walked into the room, sat down cross legged on the couch and politely asked for the remote. A couple seconds later and it was tossed into my lap. I didn't dare take a single glance at the two on the couch beside me for I knew somewhere deep down I wouldn't like to see Tao sitting just a little too comfortably with XuiMin or XuiMin's hand resting a little too far up Tao's thigh to be casual. "Oppa" replayed over and over in my head in the form of a soft moan and I quickly got up and left the living room. I didn't even mumble a goodnight nor did I watch my drama. I almost tripped over Yixing on my way back to my room and he just grunted in his sleep. As soon as I was back to my room I shut the door quietly and slipped into the bunk under Kris', almost having to force myself to sleep instead of an increasingly dominant other need.


The first time I caught them was honestly one of those Just-shoot-me-already moments. I was having a bad day due to our recent promotions and all I wanted to do was go to my room and go into hibernation for maybe... 20 or so years. I was grumbling quietly to myself as I played on my phone, knowing it was the only thing keeping me sane and I was having a good run with my Pacman game. I thought I was home with only Kris for the day and I was planning on sneaking some of XuiMin's Korean snacks to munch on while I tried to fall asleep. I carelessly opened the door to his room and made my way over to his dresser while I squatted down, still intently focused on my game. I quickly pulled open the bottom drawer, shoved my hand inside and pulled out a package of banana flavored puffs before shoving the edge of the bag in my mouth. I quickly stood, pushed the drawer shut with my foot and I had still managed to beat my highest score on pacman. I threw my hands up in the air on my way out, reaching behind me and pulling the door shut. As I made it back down the hall to my room and crawled into bed under Kris' bunk where he was taking a nap, I sat there for a moment. I spaced off, eyes unfocused before I shook my head quickly. A couple seconds later my eyes got huge and I stared at my comforter in disbelief as the image of Tao with his hand down the front of XuiMin's pants was engraved into my head. A short sob left my throat as I whimpered and flopped back into bed. Why, god? Why only me?
I felt completely defeated as I slipped my own hand down the front of my sweats to silently take care of a problem I really didn't want to have.


The very next day I woke up to someone gently shaking my thigh. I whined quietly and buried my head under the pillow because it hadn't been 20 years yet and I knew that. "Yah. LuHan hyung, wake up. I need to talk to you." I groaned once I heard XuiMin's voice and I pushed my pillow away before sitting up groggily, feeling his hand slide away from my thigh. "What is it XuiMin?" My voice cracked and I silently cursed whoever it was that hated me this week. He didn't reply right away and I let out a soft sigh. "Does this have to do with last night?" I asked quietly, aware of Kris still snoring softly from up above.
"Ne..." He hung his head as his cheeks grew red and I sighed again as I leaned over to pull him into a hug, biting my lip when he crawled over to lay beside me instead. "You won't tell anybody, right hyung?" His voice was the one that cracked this time and he sounded on the verge of tears. It was then that I realized that they would be kicked out of the group if anyone were to find out. I secretly wondered why they hadn't hidden it better but that thought was pushed aside when Xuimin buried his face in my chest and let out a soft sigh. I knew all I could do was hold him, softly running my hands through his silky hair until we both fell back to sleep.

When I woke up next, it was Kris shaking my thigh and quietly telling XuiMin to wake up to make breakfast. Xuimin got up without argue, his hair messy and his eyes tired and crawled over me to get out of bed, his footsteps quiet as he padded out of the room to make breakfast. Kris didn't say a word to me but instead gave me a knowing glance before he went off to go wake the other members. I knew that Kris was kind and he would keep his mouth shut, so my worries were limited that day.


The first time I got involved was one of those days where nothing is really wrong so nothing really ends up bothering you. I wasn't supposed to be home but my schedule had gotten cancelled due to some fluke misunderstanding and so I was in my room quietly hanging out. I was playing a line game on my phone when I heard the door to the room next to mine shut and it wasn't much later before I heard the first moan. I listened to the soft pants coming from the other room but, for some reason, those didn't bother me quite like I knew they should. I knew they thought they were alone. I didn't do anything at first, thinking they would keep quiet for the most part but after a little while it got silent. I stopped playing my game after getting a game over and I put my phone aside as I sat up. I wondered what made them stop. Then I heard their door opening and quiet whispers before one of them made their way down the hall towards my room. My eyes got big and I started to panic but I only got halfway out of bed before Tao was peeking into the room. He didn't see me at first due to the dim lighting in the room but right after he spotted me he bowed and mumbled a greeting. I smiled nervously and half bowed back, seeing the obvious discomfort in his expression but also noticing how he hid his lower half from my view by standing behind the door. I got up and stretched as I tried to play coy, smiling and making my way to him.
"Are you the only one here?" I asked him like I didn't know and he nervously looked behind him. I peeked out and saw a guilty looking Xuimin shrunk back against the doorway.
"Mianhe hyung.. We thought we were alone.." He whispered and I could hear the shame in his voice alongside sensing the shock from Tao. I just smiled my warmest smile and bowed again, smiling a bit to Tao. He smiled back on instinct and I gently waved my hand away for them to continue.
It caught me off guard when Tao took my hand in his. It was warm and slightly clammy but I didn't pull my hand back. I shifted my wide eyed gaze quickly between them both when Tao started tugging me back to their room.
"Y-yah.. What are you-" I barely heard my own voice over the sound of my blood pounding, scared I was misinterpreting his action. It was Xuimin who answered.
"Hyung, Kris told me you've been stressed lately.. And that he heard you the other night.. You know.." He waved his hands around and blushed as hard as I did just from the mere thought that Kris had heard me jerking off with their names whispered from my lips and the image of them in my head. I considered smacking him the next time I saw him but Tao tugging on my hand again distracted me and my cheeks just got hotter and hotter as I let myself be pulled into their room. I knew they weren't offering love or a relationship, just promised a little stress relief and a little pleasure.


I knew it would be awkward since I barely ever spoke to Tao but he stayed quiet where he sat at the edge of the bed as Xuimin undressed me. I helped him unbutton my shirt and his fingers were warm when they brushed against my bare chest. I kept my gaze down as Xuimin pushed the shirt off my shoulders and slid the fabric down my arms. I could feel his body heat as he stepped a little closer and I let my shirt drop to the floor before tugging his shirt up slowly, a hint of a smile on my lips as I revealed his soft looking tummy. He didn't seem to mind my amusement, though, as he lifted his arms and let me pull the shirt all the way off to drop to the floor with mine.
The pants came off next but Xuimin made sure to graze his knuckles over my abdomen as he slid his fingers under the waistband of my sweats. I got embarrassed when he pushed them down my hips only to discover my lack of boxers underneath and a small smirk appeared on his lips. I eyed his face as I bit at my lip and my cock just barely twitched in anticipation when Xuimin let his thumbs trace the outline of my protruding hipbones.
I didn't move my gaze from his smirk as my fingers snuck their way into XuiMin's sweats in turn and I made sure to get my fingers in his boxer briefs as well before slowly sliding them down his smooth hips.
After getting his sweats down far enough to where his cock was exposed I felt strong hands being placed over mine and I looked up to see Tao watching me over XuiMin's shoulder. I blushed hard when I caught sight of his lips being pressed to XuiMin's neck as they slowly worked their way up to nibble under the boy's ear. I felt the awkwardness resurface for just a moment before Xuimin laid his hands over mine and Tao's and he leaned forward to press his lips to the corner of mine. It relaxed me and somehow assured me that I wouldn't be thought of as the third wheel as he took both our hands and pulled us towards his bottom bunk. I stepped out of my sweats as he squirmed out of his and I couldn't help but stare as he crawled on all fours into bed before plopping down in the corner, leaning against the wall and watching us as he lazily stroked his cock to get it hard.
I climbed into bed next once I felt Tao's hand at the small of my back rubbing soothing circles on my skin and I tried to relax as I met XuiMin's gaze. He was smiling as he released his cock and he pulled me to him while I carefully maneuvered myself in the small space under the bunk bed until I was in his lap, straddling his thighs. I shuddered when his warm hands slid over my waist and down to my hips and I leaned down to bravely press my lips firmly to his as my hands slowly made their way over the boy's chest. Xuimin smiled into the kiss before slipping his tongue out to run it between mine, silently asking for entrance and I willingly gave it to him to let my tongue tangle and slide over his as the bed sunk behind me with Tao's weight. I grew highly aware that maybe he wasn't okay with this and I pulled away to look over my shoulder up at Tao. His expression was calm though and I watched as he slipped his shirt off, my gaze running over his broad chest and then lower as his hands rubbed over his thighs.
Xuimin stayed patient with my curiosity as I shifted a little to see Tao better and I reached out for him to take my hand. He smiled a bit as he took it and his piercing gaze was impossible to look away from as I tugged him closer to me so I could grip at his sweats.
I managed to get them past his hips but his cock was still covered when I felt XuiMin's hands start to explore my body. I gasped quietly and gripped Tao's sweats in my fists when Xuimin gripped my ass cheeks and firmly forced my hips down on his. I almost forgot what I was doing for a moment when I felt XuiMin's hardening cock rubbing against my still limp one and I had to brace my hands on Tao's thighs to stop myself from falling sideways.
Tao seemed to have other plans, though, as he took me and turned me back around to face Xuimin. I met the boy's gaze as he rolled his hips up and forced mine back down on his and I bit my lip hard at the friction it created. I hummed contently to myself when I felt Tao's firm chest press against my back and his arms slid around my waist to hold me as I ground my hips back down on XuiMin's. My hands kept busy by touching anywhere and everywhere they could, be it XuiMin's chest and sliding up to his neck or back behind me to Tao's thighs as I dragged his sweats down even further until I could feel his cock against my lower back. I snuck a hand behind me to curl my fingers around his member and gave it a few experimental tugs and I knew I was doing something right when I felt Tao's warm breath on my neck followed by a soft moan before he started peppering my skin with soft bites and kisses. I gripped tighter as I worked my fingers up and down his cock, feeling it harden and grow in my grasp and that just made me want to roll my hips down on XuiMin's just a little bit more. I could feel Xuimin's erection as well as it rubbed up and down the length of mine and my thighs started to quiver as my needs started to build. A soft whimper was all it took before Tao was gently lifting me from XuiMin's lap to lie me down on the mattress. I released his cock and instead I gripped the sheets as I looked up at Tao while he settled on his knees beside me. I stopped paying attention to Xuimin when Tao met and held my gaze while he leaned down and I was ready when he kissed me roughly, bringing a hand up to tangle my fingers in his hair. I let out a soft moan as he forced his tongue past my lips and I eagerly sucked on the thick muscle as my nails pressed to his scalp and my breathing increased. I barely paid it any mind when Xuimin lifted my legs and pressed them up a far as he could, feeling Tao grip and hold under one of my knees as Xuimin quietly told me to hold the other. I did but my mind was too caught up in the kiss to think about what Xuimin was doing so when I felt a warm hand around my cock and hot breath against my entrance my eyes snapped open and I jerked away from Tao, trying to look down to see what the boy was doing.
Tao quickly brought his free hand up to cup my chin and forced me to look at him as he kissed me passionately again, this time sliding his tongue deep into my mouth. I instantly got distracted again as Xuimin started pumping my cock slowly and when I felt Xuimin swirl the tip of his tongue around my puckered entrance I couldn't help but release a deep moan as my hips rolled up. I'd never felt such a thing before and it made my cock ache and twitch in his grasp. Xuimin continued swirling his tongue teasingly over my entrance and I panted loudly and gripped onto Tao's hair tighter when Xuimin suddenly shoved his slick tongue past my clenched muscles. I lost focus with the kiss as I laid my head back on the sheets and that gave Tao the cue to pull away to sit back on his knees again. I closed my eyes as I let my hand trail down Tao's chest and back to his cock to stroke him while Xuimin was busy working his fat tongue slowly in and out of me while pumping me in time with my hand on Tao. I listened to the quiet sounds of Tao's moans as he rocked his hips into my grasp when suddenly a soft "Mmmh oppa~" was moaned into the room. My cock twitched just from the sound as I looked up at Tao with pure lust and I could hear the feint sound of Xuimin's soft moans as his tongue delved deeper inside me, letting the image of how XuiMin was jerking himself off take over my imagination, filling the room with my own pleasured moans and soft mewls as I squirmed on the sheets.
It didn't take long before my cock started to swell in Xuimin's grasp and I didn't think he could tell when I was close but right before I was about to release, he pulled away from me and sat back, licking his swollen lips as his hand slipped away from my cock. I whimpered loudly and let go of my leg to reach down and grip my throbbing cock but he quickly smacked my hand away before gripping my arm and letting Tao pull me into a sitting position.
"We'll make you feel good, hyung, I promise. Just bear with it a little longer." He whispered against my lips before kissing me chastely and I nodded, having no other option than to take his word for it.
I let them move me how they wanted and soon my chest and cheek was being pressed to the bed while my ass was left up in the air. I tried to cover my face due to my embarrassment but Xuimin's fingers running softly through my hair and at the small of my back kept me from getting up and leaving them. Xuimin whispered soothing words to me in Korean while Tao kneeled between my legs behind me. I heard the faint sound of a cap popping open and soon I felt one of Tao's strong hands gripping one of my ass cheeks, spreading me just long enough for him to drizzle a small amount of lube over my barely stretched entrance. I shivered at the cold but as he slowly rubbed it over my puckered muscles it started to warm. I looked up at Xuimin with wide eyes and he just smiled back at me, stroking my cheek at the same time as he lazily began stroking his cock again. I focused my gaze there instead and after a second or two of Tao massaging the lube in and around my entrance I finally felt him position himself. My fingers gripped the sheets tighter as my thighs tensed and when he slowly eased himself past my tight ring of muscle I couldn't help but let out a soft cry. Tao leaned over my back and pressed what seemed to be apologetic little kisses over my nape and shoulders as he eased in further until I could feel he was seated to the hilt. I let out a shaky breath as I tried to focus on Xuimin's hand again instead of the aching in my lower half and Tao caressed my hips with his fingertips as he pulled back out only to quickly snap his hips to bury himself inside me. I let out louder cry of pain and gripped the sheets til my knuckles turned white as he repeated the same motion again and again. I clenched and relaxed my muscles as I tried to get used to his thick cock sliding deeper and deeper inside my tight hole and I was about to tell him to stop when suddenly his hips snapped into me at just the right angle to slam his blunt tip directly into my prostate. I screamed before I could stop myself and I forced my ass back on his cock, desperate to feel that again.
"Oh God Tao, right there, please do that again!" I whined shamelessly as he increased his pace. He dug his fingers into my ass cheeks, spreading me wide as he started pounding into me again. I couldn't muffle the loud cries and moans that left my throat with every blunt hit to my bundle of nerves and it wasn't long before I was a whimpering mess on the sheets. I'd forgotten all about Xuimin through all of this as Tao continued pounding his fat cock ruthlessly into my tight ass, his grip on my hips almost bruising as he forced my ass back to meet his thrusts and only when I opened my eyes to see Xuimin watching my face as he pumped his weeping shaft did I remember. I groaned at the sight and licked my lips as my body jerked against the sheets and I slowly reached out to grip his thigh as my gaze met his. He knew what I wanted and he didn't hesitate before he shifted closer on his knees until his leaking tip was mere millimeters from my lips. After a little help from Xuimin, I managed to lean up on my elbows and I reached out to wrap my fingers around Xuimin's base before bringing his cock to my lips. The force of Tao's thrusts made it hard for me to keep my grip but Xuimin settled so he was right in front of me and I slowly took him into my mouth. I moaned deeply at his taste as I experimentally lapped at the tip to lick up the precum already leaking out. He seemed to like that since his hips involuntarily twitched forward, making his throbbing cock slide further past my lips. I let him control the pace as his fingers held onto my hair and bobbed my head up and down and I tried my best not to choke as he slid in deep past my swollen lips, swallowing around the head as the weight of his cock sat heavy on my tongue and I moaned deeply as Tao continued fucking me hard. My own cock was dangling between my legs, fully erect and about to burst from the pleasure but it just wasn't enough to make me release. I whined softly around Xuimin's cock after it got to the point where I wanted to just reach down and jerk off but suddenly I felt one of Tao's hands snake under me to tightly grip my erection. He roughly pumped my cock as his hips started to pound into me desperately and the second he slammed into my prostate dead on I was screaming around XuiMin's cock and cumming hard in Tao's grasp, spilling my seed all over the bed below me in hot, sticky strings.
I tightened my lips around Xuimin's cock and pressed my tongue firmly to the underside as I sucked him off desperately while my orgasm ran through me. I reached up to quickly pump his base as I looked up to see Xuimin and Tao locked in a heated kiss and almost simultaneously they reached their orgasms, Xuimin shooting his hot release down my throat with a sharp cry of my name into his kiss and Tao filling me full of his milky cum until I could feel it start to seep out and drip down my quivering thighs. I tried hard to swallow all of Xuimin's cum as it shot out down my throat but soon I was choking and my eyes were watering. Xuimin quickly pulled my head back as his cock slipped from my lips and I took deep breathes as I rested my cheek against his thigh, closing my eyes as Tao slipped out of me as well. I whined quietly again at the empty feeling until Tao rolled me to my back only to lean down and press his lips to mine. I kissed back softly, wondering if he just wanted to taste Xuimin and I brought my arms up to wrap around his neck until he let out a soft chuckle and pulled away, looking at me before looking to Xuimin.
"What do we do now..?" Tao asked him and I felt my cheeks heat up again as the feeling of the third wheel crept up on me. Xuimin smiled warmly though and laughed, shrugging.
"Shower? Hope no one came home to Lu Han's screams? .... Eat?" the last option had him looking more hopeful than I'd seen him all day and for some reason I had a feeling that this wouldn't just be a one time thing.
I was oddly okay with that.

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