Some things make me believe there in no God.

Mar 24, 2011 23:04

So, I know this woman, an amazing woman, and she's one of the best things that's ever happened to me. She's a stay at home mom and always kind of has been, and you would never guess that she has lived the life that she has.

I almost thought she was shitting me the day we were cooking Thanksgiving dinner 2 years ago for the family and she told me about her life.

She told me about her childhood. It sounded something along the lines of this:

When she was about 8 years old her mother started to sell her off. A man would call Connie's mother about once or twice a week and would tell her that Connie was going out that night and she would be back the next morning. So Connie's mother would dress her up all pretty in her evening dress (She actually always wore fancy dresses as a child and always had her white hair pinned up all fancy cause her momma made her. She was from the South.), and would wait for a limo to arrive in front of the house.

Connie would go to the limo and during the drive a group of men would give her screwdrivers up the ass. (Her words, not mine. lol) They were all senators, mayors, governors, politicians and whatnot. So by the time they arrived at the 13 bedroom, fancy dancy mansion she would be all sorts of tipsy or drunk or whatever. She knew after a couple of weeks that she was to go inside, take off all her clothes and go to the indoor pool room.

They would make her swim with a number of men, also naked, and they would all play with her. Then one by one they would leave the pool and go to one of the 13 rooms until all the men were gone. After they were all in their rooms Connie was sent to each one in turn and the men would just.. fuck her. (She refuses to call it sex.) One after the other. After a couple of years (or maybe months, I don't even know) she had to get surgery to fix her insides cause they would tear her up so badly as a little girl.

If she did all she was told to do then she was allowed to go home right after. Connie's momma knew what was going on, the whole town knew, her brothers knew, everyone knew.

I asked her why she didn't just run away. She laughed and told me she had nowhere to go. She was 8. She knew something wasn't right but she was scared shitless of her momma. She was scared of her even when she was 21.

Anyways, she still remembers almost all of those men's names, she listed quite a few of them to me, but she said the part that kills her the most is that not one of those men probably even knew her name. From the time she was 8 until 18, not one of them ever learned her name. She thinks about it, I guess, and wonders if there's other little girls out there with the same fate as her, but I doubt it. This was in the 60's. :/

I actually think we got on this subject when she told me she always wanted to be a lawyer. She couldn't though. She dropped out of high school to take care of her daddy when her momma told her she wouldn't take care of him anymore. I guess she never went back.

But apart from all this, she's actually pretty sane. She doesn't do drugs anymore, drink anymore, she obsessively cleans her house, she treats me better than my own momma does. She's always there for me, I couldn't have asked for a bigger blessing in my life. She's the one that's going through all the effort to get me into college and tells me it would be the biggest waste she ever did see if I don't go. She even got me Financial Aid and is signing me up for housing. Through all that, I didn't think she could do anything better. This morning I had an earache, and then completely lost hearing in my right ear. She got me a doctor's appointment.


I do wonder if anyone will actually read this all. Doesn't matter. It feels nice just getting this all out of my system. ^^
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