(no subject)

Aug 26, 2004 00:33

Well j0n just left my house... and things couldnt be better! :) Hes the best<3 mmm yea lately ive just been with LINDS (my bestestest BAD friend ever) she makes me happy and shes ALWAYS there for me no matter what!.. then Today Jeni asked me a question that got me thinking.. and i just wanna sayy no MATTER what happens with old friends.. in the end im always here and i miss u all (especailly AJEASE.. things were great when we were inseperable <3) but.. lesson learned.. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON and people change but in the end its all for the better :) hope everyone is doing well <3

xoxoxo SHAN

p.S... i miss bRi bRi
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