Sep 18, 2005 12:25
i forgot to put this on yesterday with my other entry
>< Known as: pihsniknalb
>< Word(s):: poop
>< Language:: spanish cuz its funny
>< Food:: popcorn!!
>< Drink:: vault
>< Band:: many
>< Singer:: i dont really like singers i like bands
>< T.V show:: family guy or robot chicken
>< Movie:: the notebook
>< Animal:: bunny just cuz megan hates them
>< Number:: 8
>< Holiday:: christmas cuz i get cds for no reason lol
>< Week day:: friday??
>< Place:: anywhere but here
>< Weather:: thunderstrom <3
>< Flower:: i dont really like flowers
>< Scent:: vanilla <3
>< Color:: black
>< Store:: hot topic and pacsun
>< Style:: skater
>< Book:: the guardian <3
>< Celebrity:: chris farley but he died.... :(
Have you ever...
>< Kissed the same sex:: no
>< Went to third:: what does that mean
>< Went to second:: ???
>< Had sex:: no
>< Gotten detention:: haha yea cuz i jumped a stupid hurtle CURSE
>< Gotten suspended:: once i think
>< Got grounded:: im never ungrounded
>< Cheated on someone:: nope
>< Were caught cheating:: nope
>< Lost your wallet:: hahaha yea
>< Lost your cellular phone:: never had one :(
>< Spied on your mom and dad:: o0o0
>< Were caught doing something wrong:: not really
>< Cursed at your parents:: ..maybe
>< Been in love:: not really
>< Been loved:: i dunno how should i know??
>< Used a friend:: not purposefully if i did
>< Been used by a friend:: yes..... * runs away crying*
>< Lost a friend:: yes *starts crying again*
>< Been cheated on:: no
>< Been to the emergency room:: yea bad memories
>< Broken a bone:: yea it sucks
Are you...
>< Heterosexual:: yes
>< Lesbian/Gay:: nope
>< Bisexual:: nope
>< Somewhat attractive:: never
>< Depressed:: not right now
>< In pain:: im always in pain
>< Worried:: yea
>< In shock: no
>< Excited:: what is there to be excited about
>< Happy:: sure
>< Obsessed:: with what
>< A drug addict:: NEVER
>< A smoker:: NEVER
>< An alcoholic:: NEVER
>< A loner:: ??
>< Loved:: i dunno i cant read minds
>< Hated:: haha most people do hate me
>< Wanted:: i dunno does anyone want me??
>< Unwanted:: probably
>< Shy:: i can be at times
>< Bored:: yes im always bored im never not bored
>< Having fun:: not right now
>< Listening to music:: never stop listenin to music
>< Watching T.V:: i dont watch tv unless its a show that i really
>< On the computer:: duh
>< Doing homework:: i dont have any
>< Chocolate or Vanilla:: Both
>< Dog or Cat:: doggy!
>< Sleeping or Awake:: awake cuz i never sleep
>< Burgers or Hot Dogs:: burgers
>< Sitting or Standing Up:: depends what mood im in
>< Computer or T.V:: computer
>< Noise or Silence:: noise i hate silence
>< Boys or Girls:: what is this question asking lol
>< Virgin or Non-Virgin:: dont matter
>< Nice or Mean:: nice and mean lol
>< Stupid or Smart:: stupid but smart at times
>< Shy or Funny:: mostly funny but sometimes shy
>< Cold or Warm:: warm
>< Bath or Shower:: depends on my mood
[[ Past >
>< First grade teacher's name: umm..... mrs stuckey
>< Last word you said: umm.. trashbag filled with popcorn haha i was
talking to my fasha
>< Last song you sang: the light and glass by coheed
>< Last person you hugged: umm... sara on friday
>< Last thing you laughed at: angry poop
>< Last time you cried: last night......
[[ Present >
>< What's in your CD player: coheed
>< What color socks are you wearing: none
>< What's under your bed: a lot of stuff
>< What time did you wake up today: 8
>< Current taste: buttered noodles
>< Current hair: blonde but you cant really see it now cuz im wearin
my mcr beenie
>< Current clothes: blue suit <3 and wife beater
>< Current annoyance: sara not talking to me
>< Current longing: to go 2 school so i can see people
>< Current desktop picture: a thing my bro made
>< Current worry: umm.. i dunno
>< Current hate: i dont hate
>< Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: hair <3
>< Last CD that you listened to: mcr
>< Favorite place to be: not here
>< Least favorite place: here
>< Time you wake up in the morning: school days 6 45
>< If you could play an instrument, what would it be: bass
>< How tall are you: 5 7
[[ Future >
>< Where do you want to go: i dunno
>< What is your career going to be like: i dunno
>< How many kids do you want: haha i ahve a bad experiance with
little ones
>< What kind of car will you have: ok so im gonna get a really big
old van and me and my friends are gonna spray paint all over it and
its gonna have a spinner on the back left only
>< What is your job?: school
Who was the last person...
>< You talked to:: phone ashley online sara and taylor
>< You listened to:: oh phone ashley online sara
>< You looked at:: of my friends it would be ashley when she was in
her driveway
>< You smelled:: my dad lol
>< You touched:: family was lil bro friend was sara
>< You kissed:: lil brother dont take that the wrong way
>< Had sex with:: net yet
>< You instant messaged:: taylor and sara
>< You were on the phone with:: ashley <3
>< Broke up with:: haha that online dude
>< You missed:: taylor :(
>< You wanted:: what do you mean by wanted
>< You laughed with:: ashley
>< Yelled at:: brother
>< Who pissed you off:: hmm probably brother
>< Who made you happy:: ashley
>< Who made you sad:: sara
>>< You said hello to:: taylor
>< You said goodbye to:: taylor and sara
If you could...
>< Go anywhere, where would you go:: to the coheed concert in
>< Do anything, what would you do:: probably try to sleep more lol
>< See anyone, who would you see:: ??
>< Fly, where would you fly:: where ever i want
>< Have anything you want, what would it be:: what ever i want
>< See anything you want, what would you see:: concerts
[ Pick One Again>
>< Rap or Hip Hop?: EMO oo what now
>< Computer or Read?: depends on my mood
>< Glasses or Contacts?: i want contacts but mother wont let me
>< Internet or Video Games?: internet
>< Reading or TV?: reading i dont really watch tv
>< Him or Her?: both??
>< Loser or Wannabe?: Loser
>< Blonde or Black?: both?
>< Brunettes or Red Heads?: both
>< African American or White?: Both
>< Latina or Asian?: ASIANS!!!!!!!!!!!