Jan 14, 2005 12:01
I sent an email to the cute boy who gave us the tour.
Course, it was asking about jobs on campus, but it was so wittily written, he'll read it and instantly want to have my babies.
Speaking of jobs, I GOT MY ATM CARD YESTERDAY!!!
I'm not gonna lie. I'm going to do nice things for myself this weekend. And then no more spending until the end of the month. Just because I CAN get drunk doesn't mean I HAVE to, because it's too god damn expensive. I think things are gonna work out. I just have a few big items I want to get, and Tanta Susan and Uncle Ed are gonna help me out with hiking gear, so it's all gravy.
And I have a brand new mantra, which actually seems to be helping me:
You deserve better.
I've heard it from people and thought, blah blah blah okay.
But, no, really? I do. Fuck the bullshit of half-and-half, wishy-washy, I wanna have my cake and eat it too (which I never understood, cause if you have cake, isn't it logical to eat it too?) boys. You can't half-ass love.
Something I need to learn too.
I feel pretty good right now. My nails are pretty, my new skirt is flowy, and my Muse CD is amazing.
All is right in Ireland. Except Sociology, but I think I'll live.