Somebunny wuvs me.
Thanks for
barukode for the taggednesses! I will try to be interesting...
›› List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
›› Tag seven people to do the same.
›› Do not tag the person who tagged you, or say that you tag 'whoever wants to do it'.
1. I save everything. I have boxes upon boxes of things that I keep claiming I will scrapbook someday.. but I probly never will. I keep all these old photos, journals, notes, and whatevers because I know my memory is only getting worse and I imagine that by keeping these things I will remember what they meant and who they connected me to.
2. I cannot remember barely anyone from my past if I do not have a song to associate them with. Songs are my memory. When I hear the song (sometimes more than one) that I connect to someone I am immediately filled with the memory of that person. This is not always a good thing. There are some songs that I often cannot listen to because they will cause me great pain and put me nearly into depression with the wealth of emotion they carry.
3. As I go thru my day, I hear musik in my head on an almost constant basis. My whole world exists with a soundtrack. Often I will hear a song in my head and it will play the next time I have the radio or the compy on. I actually get agitated if I have to go too long with no musik. It makes me twitchy.
4. I believe in love above all else. If love does not exist in the world I don't want to either. My soul wanders thru my daily life searching for its match, holding the broken pieces of my heart up against each little spark, looking for the one whose jagged edges will fit with mine. I don't believe that anyone has truly loved if they have not been broken. I believe you only truly understand what love is and what real love feels like after your heart's been broken because till that point we all have our frilly ideals and imaginings of what love is. But love is not the fairy tale they sell us in romantic comedies. Real love is not syrupy and sweet, with couples who agree on everything and never fight. Real love is about being with someone who sometimes ignores and infuriates you, but knowing that without that person in you would be unable to breathe, unable to function, and your life you would be desolate and lost.
5. I fear that I will never be loved by someone who loves me for me, flaws, scars and all. I'm convinced that I will never be really understood and that people will always try to change me. I fear that I am destined to move from one love to another, always ending up alone.
6. I am a very picky eater and I freak out if my food touches the other food on my plate. If the corn gets in the mashed potatoes, I lose it. I don't eat cooked fruit or any kind of dressing. If I'm eating chili or soup, I have to have exactly 4 crackers or no crackers at all.
7. I hate feet. Pictures with nekkid feet are okay. Foot rubs are okay (altho they put me to sleep). Any sexual reference or image regarding feet will send me screaming from the room, literally. I was at the water park last summer and a couple was sharing one of those double innertubes. The guys feet were propped up inches from his girfriend's face and I had to turn the other direction and paddle away before I freaked out. If you get near my feet with your mouth, you will get kicked in the face. And I don't eat corn chips because I think they smell like feet.