Jan 05, 2008 03:48
Posting because I need to. I need to talk to someone about it, even if it's just my ever-faithfull imaginary readership. o.0
See.. um... I'm retarded and I can't effing talk... AGH!dalsrjkfhasdjkgfhasdfjkl
Okay, I'm signed up to Reunion.com & Classmates.com or whatever-the-fuck-it-is, but I'm not a paying member, so I can only get updates (little ones) and I can't reply to emails or send messages or any of that happy horse shit. So the one day a couple months ago, I saw that this girl, Misty had updated some info. So I went to check it out... Turns out her myspace (god love myspace) was listed as something like "check out my myspace if you actually care" or something.. so I went over - of course - I'm a nosey fucker, you know that!
See, the thing is that Misty is the first girl I ever had a crush on. Of course, I didn't realise what it was back then - we're talking elementary school.. but I was a bit fixated on her, I guess you could say.. basically, I used to stare at her hair on the bus because she sat in front of me. Yeah, I know.. lame. Shut up.
So I go to her myspace & it turns out - not that I was all that surprised because by the time high school rolled around I kinda a figured - she's a lesbian. *twitch* So I sent her a friend request.. because I was compelled to by the gods of myspace mind control (or something). She friended me back. *twitch* So I left her a comment or two. We sent a couple messages back & forth. "Happy Birthday." "Thanks but I hate birthdays." blahblahblah Well, the other day I noticed - since myspace is kind enough to update me - that her mood was set to lousy or something to that effect. So I sent her a message asking if everything was okay. She sent one back telling me how her gf was leaving her for some guy she'd been having a long distance with... blahblah. So there was a couple messages back & forth about worthless exes, because everyone knows I'm a pro at lousy exes. *ack*
She posted a quiz about herself & I read it - coz I'm a nosey fuck. And I copied it & filled it out because I've got some kinda of compulsion to answer questions. The last question was like "Two names you go by" or something. I said "Tabby & Seth". So she messages me asking what the "Seth" is about. I tried to explain w/o making her head explode. Then she sent me a message with her Yahoo IM in it, so I added her. Of course I added her! And she added me back, duh! So last night we hit up on the IM & first thing she asks after the weather talk is for me to explain more about "Seth." So I did. She actually got it, I think. We talked about some other stuff.. whatever. I'm not going into a transcript of our conversation. Suffice it to say that we talked a couple hours last night & a couple hours again tonite. We seem to have a lot of the same oddnesses in common. We have a pretty good time talking to each other & agree on a lot of things... except Metallica & Jordin Sparks .. but I digress.
I don't want to jump to conclusions & assume this is going anywhere.. I'll just say I'm enjoying the thought of it going somewhere...