I wonder sometimes.. what the hell was I thinking? Am I aware that there is only one of me? That I don’t actually have minions? Or elves? Or fairies? Did I consider that there are only so many hours in the day and I will have to sleep at some point.. not to mention working two jobs? Now, granted, I am working a lot less hours at one of those jobs than I was a few months ago.. but still.
I have a serious problem with crafting and art-ing. I want to do and make and sew all the things. I could paper my walls with my to-do list. I even tried separating the list in to smaller category lists.. but that didn’t make it any less daunting. And I don’t seem to be able to stop adding new things!
Besties and I discovered an anime group. More accurate to say they were accosted by Kayla in the
My Little Pony aisle at the Toys ‘R’ Us and invited to the next meeting. LOL. So we went (Yay new geek friends! Obv we’re going!) and we had a great time. It was only their 2nd meeting (we’re crashing this club early, yo!) and they were watching a few episodes of “
Fairy Tail“, which happens to be one of my favorite anime. Besties and I are pretty much convinced that it started as a “
One Piece” spoof. Seriously though… So anyway, we had fun with the group. They had a great energy. Anthony, the guy running the show, clearly loves doing it. We hung around for a bit after and chatted with some of the members. Looking very forward to the next meeting.
Which brings me to my point.
Their next meeting is October 8th (sadly only once a month at this point) and with that being the only meeting before Halloween, they are making it a costume/
cosplay event. Being the geeks that we are, we are down for pretty much any excuse to cosplay. Problem being that we haven’t gotten to cosplay in ages and we don’t actually possess any costumes. So we brainstormed on the car ride home what we thought we might be able to pull off before the meeting. I don’t have that much experience yet with sewing clothes, but I’m catching on fairly quickly, so I said if we could come up with base pieces, I could probably alter them to look like Ichigo, Ishida, and Orihime’s outfits from the anime “
Bleach“, specifically when they’re rescuing Orihime from Hueco Mundo and Aizen.
Nevi and I looked up pictures of the outfits and other people’s cosplay for it and we came up with a list of the necessary base pieces for me to build our costumes with. They went out the next day while I was at work and actually managed to find almost everything on the list at just a couple of Goodwill stores. Huzzah!
So I have not quite two weeks to bang out three decent cosplay costumes. *prays to time gods*
All of that is not even considering that I’m still trying to finish two Shuujin plushies (from “Bakuman”) and get started on plushies of Julian and Siris, the main couple from besties’ original novel “
And all of that is just what’s on my “official” to-do list right now! *headdesk*
~ Seth