I had a really nice day yesterday. We had the early observance of my birthday since I have a double on my actual birthday. (Seth Appreciation Day - or S.A.D. as Nevi keeps calling it, but I told her I don't approve LOL) I opened a couple of presents after I got up- mini Blossom Flowerpot, "Brisingr" & a Lalaloopsy blanket for my bed that soo soft & fluffy! (It was hanging up to dry when I left the house so it should be dry for me to snuggle up in when I get home from work in the morning :D)
Then we drove to Orland Park for some shopping at Witchy & Half Price Books. We didn't get too much at Witchy, I think because this irritating chatterbox guy made the energy very jangly.
OHH! I FORGOT to say that Hermie made this awesome 'Party Like A Pirate' list & we blasted it, car-dancing all the way there! :DD
But so this guy I think kinda threw off the vibe - I know he threw mine off - because we usually have a much better time at Witchy. But we did end up with this really interesting book about the parth to becoming a Bard. (We're prolly gonna use that in Study Group.)
Then we were hungry so we went to PF Chang's (ugh outstanding!!). Their food is always so goooood!
Our last stop was HPB & we always take a haul from there LOL. The worst part is always having to pare down our considerable piles to what's in our buddget. I found a great book on embellishing jeans (which should come in really handy since we can never find designer styles in our sizes). I also got "Inkdeath", the last book from the Inkheart series, and this odd book about a modern-day story where this guy rescues a troll... it sounds pretty interesting.
We car-danced our way back home again. Then there were more presents. This Wildwood Tarot that I was eyeing up the last time we were at Barnes & Noble, 3 new Lalaloopsies Pillow Featherbed (the 1st one ever made!!!), Mango Tiki Wiki (the newest one - she's got green eyes!), and Coral Sea Shells (she's a mermaid & her hair changes colours in water!), action figures from Blue Exorcist.
Hermie made me a cake that looked just like Mango's face! It was so super cute but kinda disturbing to cut up & eat. She had mocha flavoured frosting on the face - her hair was peanut butter; her cheeks were strawberry & her eyes were vanilla. Plus she found tiki mask ice cube trays & she made chocolates with orange filling. It all tasted wonderfull. The best part (and she didn't even know because I didn't tell anyone) is that I was on Pinterest the other night looking at ideas for Lala birthday parties & looking at all the cool cakes wishing I could have one for my birthday. I was so sad but it made me almost cry when I saw the cake she made me. :D
We ate our cake while we watched Glee. The prom episode was so sweet for so many reasons, but so sad too because it kinda feels like the shows ending. D:
Then it was bedtime because we all had a long & busy (& happy!) day. After the besties went to bed I sat there hugging my mermaid & cried happy tears because I felt loved & understood so much. It's not always easy, but I love my friends & I really do have a great life. <3