Mar 04, 2010 06:09

apparently James Marsters is almost 50? Wow. I totally didn't realise.. but I guess if I'm 30 that's not so surprising. Still not. Also in other news! All this goings on about boys kissing all over Torchwood makes me think I should go watch it lol. Anybody know if it gives decent plot or are you all only watching for the porn?

I looked up Tyler Grady's band Wailing Waters & it's kinda feeling like a throw-back. I kinda dig the sound. Lee's original stuff is really great. I'm totally pulling for him to win. Totally.

Speaking of Idols, got my ears on Danny Gokey's new album and it's absolutely stellar. Every track is great. It's inspiring and just.. it makes you feel good and feel like better things are coming. It's kind of hard to believe that he started last season as Dead Wife Guy. His album is just.. really you need to listen to it. Yes, it's country but it's everything that used to be good about country before it became about babies & patriotism & people dying (which is all it seems to be about lately). I'm really excited bc apparently he's gonna be doing a show on his own that we might actually get to go to. I'm crossing my fingers. (On a total side note but in reference to Gokey - we've been rewatching Season 8 - bc obv Season 8 >>> Season 9 - and we're realising that Danny/Jamar was totally not in our heads. They really were as GFEO as we thought they were. Too bad Lambchop is a total homewrecker lol.)

Funny thing is that we started re-watching Season 8 partly for the joke of trying to figure out where the hell Kris Allen was in the beginning bc we couldn't remember his audition, Hollywood Week.. we couldn't even remember what he sang to get in the top 13! When they called his name for the top 13 we were literally like 'who the hell is that guy?!' so we were re-watching to see how we missed him & we figured it out. Nobody at Idol thought he meant a damn thing. He literally got like 3 seconds in the audition. He was random Hollywood fodder at the end of an episode where they show a string of people barely worth caring about that won't make it thru Hell Week anyway. It's ridic! They really had no clue that he was anything. In Hollywood week we figured out that we missed him bc we already loved Matt G by then & he was in the same group so we didn't even see him really. They spent so much time in Hollywood on all these other characters & the dramaz.. they never even showed him performing a solo. I just can't believe how little film there is of the guy that won for fuck's sake! No wonder we were going 'who the hell is that guy'. It's so painfully obv that they thought he was totally insignificant. Wow.

It's great watching it over tho bc we're remembering all these singers we loved that they cut early & now we're taking names to look them up again.

Here is the video of Kirsten Dunst that I was telling you about Nevi:

image Click to view

I still have no logical explanation for this video's existence. I just know it exists.

As for the new of Bob leaving MCR.. I don't even know how to process that right now. I'm still trying to grasp what happened to FOB. For me, these are two very major blows in one year. In a couple months even...

turning japanese, vampires in my diaries, yep i'd still tap that, random insertion of cosplay, lee is gonna krisallen you all, gokey is the redeemer, re-run reality, those bitches are totally gfeo, slash goggles yes or no?

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