i'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song!

Feb 02, 2010 05:50

So we're up to Season 1 Ep 18 "Parasite". WOAH. This show is srsly starting to melt my brain.. I cannot even begin. Nathan & Peter's mom is the Haitian's boss. Evil dad is really possibly the sweetest dad to ever actually exist. Mohinder was all like mad hot mad scientist for about a minute with his speaking evilly into Sylar's ear and drugging his chai tea and andd the whole needle jammed in his neck and ok yeah it was hot. /hardon
The plotlines are just getting so convoluted that I can hardly keep up. The invisible guy that Peter was training with used to be Evil Dad's partner. Peter is all emo using Sylar's powers to kick Isaac's ass and then he (OOPS!) shoot Simone. Sad part of that scene honestly is that all 3 of us were all "oh no poor Isaac & Peter" bc we can't stand Simone lol. We really didn't like her. She just seemed so selfish to me. Like she was only using Peter bc she couldn't deal with Isaac right then but she still loves him and.. idk.. she was just.. selfish. I'm terrified for Peter vs. Sylar but at the same time I think it could be a srsly awesoome fight bc of the powers they both have at their disposal. Oh yeah and poor Mohinder bloody and pinned to the ceiling.. And oh god the whole scene with Clair & Evil dad on the bridge. I.. bawling my face off. Okay? I mean.. damn. T_____T
EEE I almost forgot about the completely adorable Ando coming to save Hiro when he gets himself caught in Linderman's vault! They are the cutest. Srsly..
And why the hell does Linderman know all about Nathan & Peter? I.. I'm just so all over the place after the last couple eps.. wow...

First off, I would like to thank my besties for the best birthday ever taking me to see FOB last year.. it was fantastik. They played all my faves and.. and.. it was amazing okay?! I will be forever grateful having gotten to see them at such a fantastik venue with awesome frenz because.. because.. it apparently could be the last time I will ever have that chance....

There are times I wish I wasn't on twitter so that I won't know things I wish I didn't know...

Apparently.. the FOB hiatus is actually a break up.. for real...

from twitter (obv)
@brttnytylr: @petewentz when did you stop believing?
@petewentz: @brttnytylr when they gave up. the "they" is impossible to explain & i will never try

@baby_butch: @petewentz when does hiatus end for fob?once and for all. :(
@petewenz: @baby_butch man. dont you get it? a hiatus is forever until you get lonely or old. i dont plan on either.

@petewentz: @kathleen_____ cant imagine playing in fob again. something would have to change in my heard or my heart- not my wallet. itd have to be real

@sylvadine: @petewentz What changed from hiatus to never?
@petewentz: @sylvadine didnt want you to hang on a string, same time if it happens dont want to feel like a liar. it might happen w/ out me. oh well.

@petewentz would you rather me lie to you through a publicist?

and then there is this link to Pete's blog where he's talking about having new meaning in his life or something and having to take time to find something new to spark his interest. FOB didn't spark his interest anymore? What is this shit?! There are ppl all over internetz of course swearing they don't believe a word of it and that it's just more Wentznanigans but idk... this would be some srsly fucked up shit to joke about this way.. I can't help but believe that it's real... Which breaks my fucking heart... I think there will be a huge hole without FOB.. and.. I'm kinda pissed at Pete for all of us that defended him saying getting married and making babies wouldn't make him quit. That FOB fucking meant something to him. That he wasn't a total douchebag like so many ppl hated on him for.. he's slapped us all in the face.

oh.. just now pete twitters: attack me. i am one of YOU only with a kevlar and an alligator shell. blame it all on me. cos i can take it. if u knew only knew how i felt.

idek how to feel... I guess... I just want somebody to blame for ruining this awesome band that I love.. but I'm sure it's not all Pete's fault.. I guess.. he's just the one who's gonna catch the most hate here bc he's the one who spoke up and said it.. but we'll never really know what's going on behind the scenes.

I bought myself a foto illustrated guide to sewing book that I am very excited about learning from. I'm going to start out with altering some things we were going to throw out bc they don't fit anymore into something (hopefully) awesome but I really really want to learn to eventually make clothes bc there are soo many awesome styles that we just can't fiind in our sizes. Which is kinda ridic when we're 14/16, 18/20 or 22/24. These are not mammoth fucking sizes and it shouldn't be that hard to find cute stuff. I guess part of our problem is that a lot of the things we like are considered style for "younger" people and we shouldn't be trying to wear it? idk whatever. i'm gonna figure out how to sew the shit for myself and then it won't matter if the stores carry it in our size.

There are a bunch of things I want to get to work on (yes, I'm sure I've said this before) and I'm hoping that I can actually get myself into them soon. There is still bit of sorting going on around the house and I think we've all been using that as a convenient excuse to be less productive than we know we could be. I know I have. I will try to not allow this anymore.

LOLOMGWTF?! I just saw Ke$ha's video for 'Tik Tok'. I've never actually seen her except one foto where she was wearing loads of makeup. I.. hahaha.. I'm dying. Have you seen her?! She's fucking Taylor Swift's alter ego! SRSLY. Watch the video. I was lolling all the way thru. XDD

Just caught the video of '21 Guns' that Green Day re-recorded with the cast of their musical 'American Idiot'. I loved this song anyway but this version is really moving. There is just something in their voices.. I would flove to see this musical... (insert note: I would love to see more musicals)

OOOhhh the 3 new parts for Glee have been leaked/dropped/whatever! Boy Mercedes! Rachel's new schizo nemesis! Kurt's new bf! EEEEEEEE!

Apparently Disney closed Miramax? That really is a shame. Pulp Fiction, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Mallrats, Clerks.. tragic to lose the studio that made them all... among others. D:

oooook I realise that this list is a matter of opinion, compiled by a community poll of the sites readers, but I take issue with some of these choices.
46. Howard the Duck - I don't really take issue with it being on the list but LOL I totally forgot about this movie till just now! XD
43. Year One - Ok it wasn't winning any awards but I don't really think it ranks one of the worst 50 ever. I'll admit there was some totally unnecessary gross-out humor for sure but I thought it was pretty funny.
41. Van Helsing - I really actually like this movie alot. They claim its problem is lack of plot but actually I think the problem is there's too much plot for this movie. If you really pay attention there's quite a bit going on in this plot line but it just seems like they cut whole chunks out of the story to make it fit the format & time constraints. Happens too often, I think.
36. Eragon - Not necessarily one of the 50 worst ever, but easily (if you've read the book you would have to agree) one of the most hideously butchered book to movie crossovers I've seen. I won't even get started on the rant I could give out here.
30. Scary Movie - Now this is hardly fair. Anybody who's seen any of these spoofs knows this movie was intended to be stupid.
28. The Sweetest Thing - Oh come one now. I happen to have watched this flick like half a dozen times or more laughing and loving the ending every time. Boo.
27. Street Fighter - It's a movie adaptation of a fighting video game. And Jean Claude Van Damme is like the star. What were you expecting here?
1. Batman and Robin - I don't know if I would say it's the worst, but ouch.

ETA: I fixed the link. I'm greatly possessing the sorries! D:

fall out boy owns me, breaking up is hard to do, gleek is a stupid fan name, green day is fucking epic, dj blow my speakers up, heart = broken, ke$ha whut?, insert musical number, pete wtf r u singing??, we can be heroes for just one day, glee ftw!

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