i don't blame you for being you

Jun 20, 2009 20:41

Reply to this post by commenting, "Words". I'll pick five words that I associate with you. Post to your journal about those words and get your friends to do the same.

juliedoc picked "David Cook, bright colors, boldness, trees, Twitter"

1. David Cook

you really need me to talk about him more?! lol god love my friends both in real life and on intarwebz for putting up with me bc i srsly do not shut up about this boy. david cook and band can be inserted into nearly any conversation if you just find the right opening. haha you know in all honesty it's kind of crazy that i'm so obsessed with him. i don't think i've been this hung up on somebody since orlando bloom and even then it was never this bad i don't think.... but it's so much more than just how much i enjoy looking at him. i hope i don't actually have to explain that. lol if you know me much at all you should know that's not really my thing. i mean, who doesn't like a pretty face but you gotta have a bit more than that to hold my obsession interest for long. i first fell for him when i saw him doing "happy together" in the top 24. i wasn't even going to watch fucking ai after the frustration from bo and blake.. but the girls were watching it while i was at their house so i'm like.. evs.. but then he comes on and i'm all... he was just adorable.. geeky and kinda awkward but still so confident and just.. the energy.. and the voice... i was lost. srsly. just.. done. i was sucked in by that damn trucker for the rest of the season and hoping, praying, voting my fingers off all along. and he just kept getting better.. and it wasn't just the singing either, altho i cannot even breathe without his voice anymore.. but the more i've read about him and the more interviews i've seen of him, the better he gets. he's really a genuinely nice guy. of course he's not perfect. he's a human being. but he's such a stellar example of a great human being. he's just.. it's love, okay? it's just.. i really love this guy.. and i pity any poor bastard that tries to date me lol bc between everything i've dealt with and everything that i admire in dave.. he better be great before he even tries hahaha

2. bright colours

colour to me is like air, like life. i have never cared for the "colour" white bc i've always felt that white is the absence of colour. it is a blank canvas waiting to be filled. i love colours to be vivid, like they have a life of their own, an energy that they are trying to express. like they are trying to reach you from where they are shining on the paper, the canvas, the wall.. someone once described an apt of mine as looking like "i walked in and exploded". to me, that meant i'd gotten it just right. i love my life, and especially my personal space, to be filled with colour from corner to corner. colour to me = life. energy. emotion.

3. boldness

boldness is something that i honestly put on most of the time. i tend to come on strong or sometimes obnoxiously bc i am over-compensating for my lack of self esteem. i'm working on this. learning to love myself and therefore not having to fake my confidence and brightness. and yes, i do sometimes have a very polarizing personality. i am very bright, very big and very loud. i am often "too much" of something for a lot of people. but the way i look at it, at least i am really trying to be myself. trying to be authentic and true to who i am. maybe i'm too much for you, too loud for you or whatever but at least you know you got me, all the way, filters off and in your face.. whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is your choice.

4. trees

i have always had a love for trees, long before i had a clue what paganism or witchcraft or nature magyk even was. all the way back to when i got my first camera i would photograph random trees that looked really interesting and i have always loved taking walks where there are lots of trees. i don't remember when i first realised that i could "talk" to trees tho, to feel their energy and sort of... energy exchange with them. i am so happy that i've been able to discover my connection to the energy of trees and the earth and i'm really enjoying learning about nature magyk.

5. Twitter

haha i'm a total junkie for twitter. i admit it. totally hooked. i blame it on my wanting to be famous haha it's like instant gratification when somebody replies to some random ass thing i said. i think it's partially bc when i first got online i used to get very lonely and tried looking for chatrooms for someone to talk to so many times and never found anybody who actually wanted to have a conversation.. so now having twitter it's like a constant chatroom and there is almost always someone on that i can talk to.. or at least read their tweets and not feel like i'm all alone in the world.. does that make sense? lol i think so...

okay soo i hope i didn't bore you or get to out there lol mind is kinda on the fritz and randomly being existential lately..

comment if you want to play (and i've known you long enough to associate words with you lol)

u & me up in the trees, twitter junkie, color, dcook = my life, im in ur flist doin ur memez

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