totally gratuitous

Dec 23, 2008 15:11

okay sooo.. i have one more spam to bring you before i'm done. i know the birthday bois are all taken care of hopefully in more ways than one but see there are a couple of people left that need a little luv. y/mfy?

now i will warn you.. i am hardcore for skibby so this is mostly him so if somehow you are sick in the head and don't luv him this will suck for you but there's also a couple of other cute kids in the band hanging around a bit too.

maybe not quite as epic as the last couple spamz.. but hopefully there's something you like and you will still luv me when it's over. XDDD besides i'm keeping my permanent FTMFW status even if you don't. rofl.

spam tiemz are go! go! go!

first of all how do you not love a band that is hanging out with the fangirls the morning of their album release? i mean really!

ttly just realised that skibby's making the mr. sixx pose with the albumz. rofl.

renaberena  is in this foto

neal: glomps
kyle: raepface. dammit neal the fangirls are looking.
andy: dood like omg are you trying to out the whole band?! they have cameras you know?!
joey: oblivious and smiling pretty for fotoz bc he's a fucking supermodel.
flat!Dave: wtf?

neal: w00t! flat!Dave even easier to molest.
kyle: oh bitch i know you did not pick flat!Dave over my hot ass!
andy: neal. srsly dood. wtf?!
kyle: still smiling pretty
flat!Dave: raepface!!!

um.. neal.. where is your other hand and why is kyle making that face?
andy: bitches! you cute me out of the fotoz!

^this guy in the front is ttly going all *grabby hands* on neal. do you see this shit? rofl. and then his face is all "oh shit there's a camera"

oh andy... *facepalm* ilyour faaaace. never ever change. XDD


srsly. it's impossible to not love these bois. amirite?renaberena

eta: ^this half a person is joshuazgirl128 . xo.

kyle: tackleglomps
andy: dood. did you not hear me telling neal about this shizz?

god these bois are so for the lulz. btw does anybody have fan photos with joey making stoopid faces? bc he always seems to smile like a nice boy.. haha.

^oh hai reoracer . welcome to my spamz. lol.

roflcopter. *smishes his faaaacee*

pat benatar shirt for the lulz. joey how so ghey? XDD

do not get into a staring contest with skibbles. the boy is nothing but eyes. @___@

i want to bite his neck. om nom nom.

i.. um.. *thud*

yes. i ttly raped every single pic in this flikr. stfu okay and just enjoy the pronz. kthx. XDD

damn.. i know there's some more joey in here somewhere...

rockstar bb. oh yeah. also.. those jeans... @__@

oh there's a lil bit of joey in the back...

joey is a fucking supermodel. for srs. look at his hair! ^

oh joey.. your haaaaaiiiirrrrrr..

oh kyle's eyes....i so wish i could see neal's face.... *dies*

oh here we go! i knew he was in there someplace!

renaberena is in this picture also but i have no clue which one.. i fail. sorry bb! D:  (i think maybe in the green stripes but don't kill me if i'm wrong.)

i just luv kyle's face here sooo much..

i just want to get my hands all up in his hair..

drunken karaoke fotoz ftw! XDD

eeeeeee! joey's tongue!!

curse you fotoz! why do blurry?!?! *cries*

sweet zombie jezus! i'm ded. ded i tell you. skibbles in glasses + my massive geek!fetish = blood shooting out of my nose...

*returns with kleenex stuffed in my nose bc must finish spamz for beloved flist*
oh the sacrifices i make for you ppl. XDD

brian jewett^ (y/n?)

yayz moar boytouching! :DD

andy with stubble.. i just.. i cannot even..

hey how did the bite-sized cookie get in there?!?!  andy squared! y/mfy?  and oh yes joshuazgirl128  i totes stole your tag bc it was awesome. luv u bb! XDD

oh skibby how so adorable bb?

awww.. widdle skibby...

skibby's foto response to neal in the mystery machine. rofl.

um.. yeah... *tackles him so hardcore*


zomg andy + puppeh = waaaayyyy too much cute. stop it andy! and by stop it i mean like never stop.

even a really bad hatt cannot stop this cuteness

lollerskates. o these bois@!

joey vs kyle for the supermodel tropheez. who wins??

oh hai mr. sixx! and how much does skibby ttly look like he got caught doing something innappropriate. roflmao.

^ hai ninasfeet and omg joey stubblez... *flails*

TOO MUCH CUTENESS!!!!!! *splodes*

okay kids. that's all i've got.  hope everyone has survived the last 4 days. XDD


in ur flist posting spamz, kyle eats drums, this counts as pronz y/mfy?, skibbles, andrew cook is my bite-sized cookie, band of ultimate hotass

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