Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.
answered on the order of
cupricanka *attempts to think of things flist might not already know and prolly fails*
1. I am addicted to obsessions. I latch onto something and become completely immersed in untill I wear it completey out and suck it dry. Then I move on to the next obsession. It's sick. The things my friends must suffer through from me. Srsly.
2. I am a friggin' pro at starting news projects and never finishing them. I have so many fantastik ideas for news projects, new artwork, new stories, new novels, new all kinds of crazy things.. but I have very little ability to finish any of these things that I start. I wonder sometimes if I do not perhaps have carryover from a past life as a Muse.. that would explain all the brilliant ideas but complete lack of ability to execute these ideas.. y/y?
3. I have an epic interwebz addiction. No srsly I do. I will actually sit in my desk chair thinking that I am kind of starving and should really go eat something, but instead I will go check my flist again. I am a very sick person. I would rather be online than visit my family. I would rather be online than go to the store.. it's really bad..
4. In the last couple years I have sort of developed OCD and it is getting steadily worse. It started with having to make sure that my separate foods didn't touch on my plate. My brother-in-law will actually mix his foods together deliberately just to make me squick. It's evil. But it is branching out into other things, like yelling at people (not really yelling just having a mild fit I guess) about dishes being stacked wrong in the cupboards or things not being put away. I have my closet separated into long sleeve, short sleeve and jacket sections and then each section is in order by colour, just like the rainbow. No really. I am not making this shit up. D:
5. In each and every day I am bouncing back and forth between being exceedingly glad that I am single so I can do basically whatever-the-fuck I want with my time and being very sad and lonely and wishing someone could love me. It's weird. I have spent so many years with the thought of "can't be alone" encompassing basically every other thing I did in my day to day that I don't really know how to deal with these feelings. And even when I have the lonely spots it's not like "I want to go and die bc no one loves me". It's more like I am reading prolly some really good fanfic or watching something and wishing I had something like that in my life. Just. Weird.
6. Being bisexual is kind of a pain in the ass, if I'm being honest. I mean if you are straight, people always seem to know somebody to hook you up with (not that I want to necessarily be hooked up, specially by the particular people who have tried recently) and when you are gay they might know somebody. But like when you are bi everyone is confused bc they don't know whether to introduce you to anyone, or they take the easy route and try introducing you to random members of the opposite sex hoping they can hook you up and make you all nice and straight again. Plus there is this weird stigma you can get sometimes, from both the gays and the straights. The straights think they stand a better chance of "fixing" you bc you're like half straight. And the gays think you're just in denial of being gay. It's like people simply can't understand how anyone can be attracted to both men and women. And then you get the people who have to ask you "well if I go out with you are you going to also have to have a guy/girl besides me bc you like both"? What a stoopid fucking question is that. Srsly. Just bc you are attracted to both doesn't mean that like a part of you is missing bc you're only sleeping with one or the other! At least not for me. Whatever. argh.
7. Musik = life. Really and srsly. If I could have background musik like some massive soundtrack throughout every moment of my life I would. I try to have musik on as much as possible. It makes me completely insane to be sitting in absolute silence. I will even suffer thru waiting-room musik. Just give me some kind of background noise. And I have more musik on my compy than I could prolly ever listen to. I admit that prolly at least 1/3 of it I have never even heard. I know. wtf right?
8. I wish I was a boy. Not like "life would be so much easier if I could pee standing up blah blah blah" but like I really wish I was a boy. It's really hard to deal with lately bc I have always been very girly and I still love some of that stuff, but I hate my hair, most of my jewelry, nearly all of my clothes.. and I can't decide if I love or hate 3/4 of the stuff in my room from minute to minute. *rips out hair in frustration* I just basically wish I was a boy. But on the same token it's not like I'm off to the plastic surgeon to get a penis. It's just another part of this really deep emotional and spiritual transformation that I have been going thru for a while now...
talalkhemiyst ,
fearnottheflame ,
juliedoc or
pale_exquisite ,
imladra ,
elenauial ,
annearchy ,
melwella ,
finer_verities Go! Go! Go!
ETA: had to edit bc i realised this entry was way too damn long, and bc i found a thing:
all you need is love ♥