Jun 10, 2008 01:36
I looked at 3 more apartments today. One was almost promising... but the bathroom was WAY too small and the steps outside were old, wooden and steep. (Translation = would be suicide in the winter around here) So I called Peachtree back, because they have been the best deal so far. The bathroom a little smallish, but not too much. The kitchen will be for shit, but I don't cook much anyhow. I will have to measure the stove since it's apartment-size (meaning way smaller) so I get the right size pans, etc. On the upside, it comes with central air (hallelujah!) There's no yard maintenance. It has free Wi-fi. (Note to self: get those thingies the manager was talking about to hook up interwebs.) And they'll let me have a cat if I want one. (Still deciding on that part....) The parking will be most lousy, since it's near downtown, but I'll figure something out... Soooo, I will go in this Friday after cashing my check and put down the deposit. And, all gods willing, I will be moved by the end of next week. HURRAY! \o/
Now to start trolling freecycle for furniture.. and a bed....