Aug 31, 2006 13:51
So I've been really depressed and stressed about $$$ lately and I really don't know what to do. So I looked up stuff on ways to help this out without taking meds and I founds this diet. It's called a "juice fast" What it does is detoxifies your body, cleans your liver, kidney's, colon and mind. I've been to a ton of web pages that support this as a real and working diet. I couldn't find anything bad about it like every other diet thats out there... All you do is drink juice all day for 7 days, that's it. You don't eat. Plus you lose 10 - 15 pounds... So I guess that's a plus. Then when I'm done with this "juice diet" I'm going to join the gym by my house. Going to try to do something wit my time instead of being lazy and depressed.