Dec 21, 2005 11:09
You know... My whole life people told me. The only way your going to be happy is if your happy with yourself. The only way you are going to feel comfortable is if your comfortable with yourself. Well it seems that even though I have finally found who I am, I'm getting shit for it. My gaged ears and tattoo's make me feel like me, make me feel attractive. But all I get are questions of "why?" and "you should take those out" I have finally found myself after so many fazes. [ Homey, preppy, grunge ] I like my look now. I feel comfortable, but I get so much shit for it. I often think to myself [ was it worth it? All this shit I deal with, was it really worth all this shit? ] Unless your preppy or 'gangster' your not accepted in the public eye unless your with your group of people that share the same views as you.
I've gotten to the point to where I want to save every cent I get and move. Just start over where no one knows who I am. I don't know what the fuck to do anymore. I'm at a loss, and I just want out.
[ It's like I'm at a party and I can't find my coat... I just want to find my coat. ]