Nicked from Nikki
You scored as a recovering anorexic. Ana is dead to you now. You know you want to recover and live a happy, healthy life so thats what you're going to do. Get some help and enjoy your life, its best for you!
a recovering anorexic
a glamourous anorexic
a sad anorexic
a social anorexic
an angry anorexic
a wannabe anorexic
a determind anorexic
an anxious anorexic
a dying anorexic
an ignorant anorexic
a religious anorexic
What Kind of Ana are you?created with Things have been rather, up and down lately. Emotionally that is. I have ben slipping back into that familiar darkness I know far too well. It's so different combating depression without using symptoms to numb it. It's hard, to feel the full effects of it. But, I would take depression by itself without the eating disorder and drug abuse. It's just difficult because being in Indiana reminds me of one and only one thing:
How much I have screwed up my life
The fact of the matter is, I would not be here if I had not made one mistake after another. And it feels like if I say "Oh but I was sick" is just a cop out, an excuse.
Here, just now, I realized, I was(and still am sick). I can't be mad at myself for the past. I was controlled by this disease, and I put it ahead of everything else. I honestly thought that I was going to live that way forever (and by forever I mean, until about 30, because I honestly did not think I would live past 30).
Forgiveness. A hard thing to do for oneself. But to move on I really need to forgive myself.
58 days....