Jan 10, 2007 14:08
Before the winter break I got called in only twice by the school district, and both on days when they had lots of teachers out for workshops and things of the sort. The substitute sign-in sheet was packed both days. This past Monday was the first day of the school semester here, and I was called in to substitute a Pre-K class. I was only one of two substutes in that day. Hopefully, this means that I'll get more calls in the future. I also dropped in on the district admin building yesterday to take their qualifying exam for paraprofessional positions, like teacher's aide's and such. It was fairly easy, and I'm anticipating that when the results are in, I'll be qualified for more permenant positions with the district. If nothing else comes of it, having that under my belt will bump up my substitute pay by ten dollars a day.
And now, the almost Kevin-Smith-worthy moment from bygone days at Allsup's Convenience store #299 in sleepy little Bridgeport, TX...
I'm not sure what their company is involved in way out here, but every few days or so at the store we'd get a mass influx, a veritable herd of workers coming in a dozen or so at a time, sporting interesting attire. This uniform consisted of fire-engine-red coveralls with a large "Halliburton" patch across the back.
Now, those that know me can imagine how hard it is for me to pass up such a golden opportunity to be a smartass. It's like watching Roger Rabbit trying to resist "shave and a haircut".
So, when I saw them enter, I gave them an appropriate fanfare..."Dun, dun, dun, dun-ta-dun, dun-ta-dun..." Darth Vader's theme.
Moments later, when they were lined up at my counter to pay, The final exchange from my end to each one of them went something like this:
"OK, here's your change. Have a nice day. Heil Cheney."
They lowered and shook their heads as the left, chuckling slightly. All in all I'd say they were pretty good sports about it.