Happy Halloween!!!!

Oct 31, 2005 17:54

I havnt updated this thing in forever so I have alot to tell...well Peter is moving to Florida soon so I guess we're just gonna have to be friends and im just gonna have to deal because I cant have those kind of feelings for someone when they are on the other side of US so idk whats goin on with that...but to start my moving on I have met the greatest guy ever...Ryan...the only bad thing is that he lives like 30 minutes away from me in oxford =( but today he didnt have school so him and his friend Matt drove all the way to Genesee to come and see me in school =) but mr.weeks kicked em out lol...but that was soo sweet!! I love that boy!! well me and my BEST FRIEND EVER were supposed to hang out tonight but my parents are gayer then Elton John fanny packs so they wouldnt let me go over there cause I guess they were too busy...=/ W/E!! well there is alot to put in here but im using my cousins keyboard and it SUCKS!! so I will write more later....

Lick Lick Salute =)


*The Salster*
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