Jun 05, 2004 23:44
WOW! Friday night was great. I graduated. Sat near Pam. Which was pimp because I was so bored. I brushed my shoulder off walking across the stage. I wore my red graduation gown... along with a pair of adidas gym shoes instead of high heels. WHY!? Cause I'm a mutha fuckin pimp. Anyways... afterwards.. went to Kelseys. Then came home. I smoked withh Tony for the first time... Exciting stories about that later... it involves kinkinest... so dont read about it if you don't want to.
Anywho... Kristen got married today. My mom was buying all the underagers drinks. We were a little tipsy. It was stairght. Came home... and played MARIO PARTY 5! Woo. Tony went to work at 7... I have to go to work at 1 am to help out with paper work.
So... stop reading...
Wow. I can remember days of laying on my back the whole time I was having sex. And I thought that was great... Nope. Fuck that shit. LoL. We are straight up Kink! It has been a long time since I have been able to act like that. I'm talking about moaning ... bite marks... scratched backs... and role playing. HUH. I'll stop talking about it now... cause ... im getting a little on the horny side.
Continue reading...
Sister is moving in sson... It is so weird living with someone you are dating. you notice all the little things that bother you. LIke the toliet seat problem. THAT REALLY BOTHERS ME... but the fact that i can fall asleep every night in someones arms is great. I love him.
I've talked to him about everything... the past... he knows it all.
Work tomo eight am till 5 pm...
work monday eleven am till 7 pm
work tuesday 5pm till 2am
work wed 6 pm till 3 am
work thurs 7pm till 3am
work fri 11 am till 7 pm
work sat 11 am till 4 pm
work sunday 6pm till 1am
work monday 5pm-3 am
Gotta wash and wax my car
My off tuesday... going to the mall
See you there bitches