To begin with. The article above,(pg.A8 of last saturdays paper) is about my father and another drug addict who were both in court last friday. I was there also, witnessing the sentancing of my dad. I had no high hopes of them letting him out, putting him on house arrest, or allowing him to max out until sept 26. So his sentancing of 12-24 months was not a big of shock as it could have been.
From here this means that, My dad is now being taken to camp hill, about a 2 hour drive from here, where I have no choice to hardly ever see him, let alone talk to him. While in court, not that i already did not know, but the judge made so much sense to the fact that my dad, cannot honestly admit how big of a problem he has. He 1. Is a compulsive liar. 2. He blames his problems on everyone but him. 3. He feels that he has done a good job this only being his 3rd relapse. To all these limits, can he not see, that out here in the real world he has a great job for him, 2 daughters who are honor students, a girlfriend who gave up everything she had just to give us a home, and 2 step kids who have no real father either. There is no hope. If me and my sister could not change him, us being blood, what makes anyone think that they can. He has 2 months down, he might be able to get out in 10 if he does well, but what happens when he gets out, and what if his g.f decides, this isnt what she wants, taking care of 2 other kids, who she has known for the amount of 4 months,working a job 30 min. away each day with low pay, and thinking about the he going to wise up.
That is only the beginning of my problems.
Right now, Me and my sister are currently living with my dads girlfriend who we have known for about 4 months. We live in a 3 bedroom house with her and her daughter and son, us sharing a room and her son sleeping in the living room. She gave up everything she had just to move in here and give us a home, and give up everything she had. & I honestly appreciate that more than anyone would ever know, even if she has a drinking problem at times and says stuff to us that she probaly shouldnt.
During all of this, I do not live with my mom. My moms house has now no gas, no phone, and she does not even stay there. She is currently living with my cousin. I dont' talk to her on a regular basis, due to the fact that during the past 2 years she has become more and more addicted to crack, not caring what my family thinks. Yet all of this, us not being able to live in my house, our family being torn apart, us not talking to eachother, my house being almost infested with fleas (this being my dog was left to stay run outside to god knows where, then being left in the house by herself and no one lived there, they multiply and multiply; but that situation is now sorta under control), my mom living in her car at times, and so much more, this is all my fault. She has blamed all of this, every little detail, on my and my sister. I am the reason why we arn't living together. I am the reason why she has not yet put her drug down and admit that she does have a problem. She feels that she can handle it, that she is not addicted, and she told me if i made and effort to be her friend, she would drop the shit. I did, i went over to get our house back together, THAT VERY NIGHT her and her b.f got 200$ worth of that fucking stupid ass substance that makes people retarded. Now.. who is wrong in this situation.
What am i suppose to do. These are only pure samples of what is going on right now. I can't continue to live with my dads girlfriend, she is;nt my gardian, if someone would find out that im not living with my mom; she would get introuble and me and my sister would go right to foster care. I cant expect this lady to keep on continuing to support me and my sister even if she lives in my dads house.
I can't get a job; becuase my medical was dropped. That means no physical for me; no way to get a job and no way to get my permit.
I might add on to this later.. I'm not surre.