I didnt watch all of American Idol tonight. I forgot Fear Factor was on,so I was switching back and forth between those two.
I thought the "scooter girl" on American Idol was so cute. Im glad she made it.
My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance- I really liked it.I thought it was really funny. The look on Randi's face when she 1st saw Steve was priceless. And yes..I think Steve is cute. ;D He has nice eyes.
Average Joe 2- Larissa seems really conceded. Like when she was kissing Michael. She said something about how he hasnt kissed someone in a year. It was like SHE was doing him a favor by kissing him. >:o That so called hunk..Jim, I thought wasnt attractive at all. Michaels cuter. ;D I hope she picks one of those "hunks" because like I said before..i'll take Michael. <3
So I found out the MEST concert is SOLD OUT. :*( im still gonna go down there though..and hang out with Christina.