'Kay so, just gonna let you guys know that my desktop computer is broken, so I'm unable to do anything computer-wise (my school laptop has blocked sites D:), so it's pretty much impossible for me update livejournal for the timebeing.
Also, I haven't forgotten about my graphic-making duties, I have tonnes of icons to post, but I'll get around to that once I can get something sorted with my computer.
In the meantime, I haz sadly been forced to abandon my SW meme 'cuz of my broken computer, & it's been about 22(?) days since my last post, so I'm just gonna update this post with the rest of the days :D
Star Wars meme.
Day 09: Your favourite movie character.
I'm guessing this is the same as favourite character... but not including EU characters.
So I'm not gonna say Obi-Wan or Aayla again, I'ma go with my bb, Luke Skywalker <3
Lol you know what, I'm gonna admit something big. I've kinda had a lifelong crush on him n_n Ever since I saw him in Empire Strikes Back back when I was only 4/5 years old xD I haven't told anyone about it, so yeah. You can see why I never did.
He's amazing :D he's a bloody hero, I LOVE him as a Jedi in Return of the Jedi (his hooded Jedi robes in Jabba's Place *.*), and I adore him in Empire Strikes Back, especially in Bespin & on Hoth.
Day 10: Your favourite EU character.
I'm not into the Expanded Universe, I don't know why. I guess it's 'cause I'm a visual person, I like the movies ^_^
Day 11: Your favourite weapon.
Lightsaber, what else? n_n
Day 12: Your favourite non-human species/race.
Definitely the Twi'lek race. I also like the Shili race.
Aayla Secura is a Twi'lek, & Shaak Ti is a Togruta.
BTW: Aayla Secura is the blue one, and the Togruta (Shaak Ti & Ahsoka Tano) is the red one :3
Day 13: The most memorable death.
Aayla Secura's.
Day 14: Your favourite EU novel.
As I mentioned before, I'm not into EU. I've read a couple of them though.
Day 15: Your favourite vehicle.
Definitely the X-Wing starfighter. I love it so much! Rebel Pilots <3
I also adore when Luke flies his X-Wing n_n Especially during the Battle of Yavin <3
Day 16: Your favourite planet.
Coruscant! It's so tech and pretty ^_^
Aaaand, I love Felucia. Not only is it the death place of Aayla Secura, but it's such a beautiful planet. The graphics of it in Star Wars Battlefront II are so pretty x]
Day 17: Your favourite romance.
Mmmm, I'm not sure.
Day 18: Your favourite scene.
Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
Definitely Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul. The music (Dual of the Fates) that plays in the bakcground makes it the best scene in the movie, not to mention young Obi-Wan/Ewan McGregor n_n
Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
Probably the battle that takes place in the Pentranaki Arena. I love the scene where all the droids are running towards the Jedi, and then the camera swings around to show all the Jedi running at the droids. So many lightsabers! Such an epic part of the movie. What makes it better is when you see Kit Fisto (another one of my fave Jedi), running at the front of the Jedi, and he just tears apart the first droid :D
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
Battle of the Heroes. 'nuff said.
Episode IV - A New Hope.
The Battle of Yavin, when Luke blows up the Death Star & such.
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
The Battle of Hoth is such an epic moment of Star Wars history. NOT TO MENTION Luke Skywalker in his pilot outfit. OH, AND THE REBEL PILOTS! I love the Rebel Alliance so much :')
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.
The Battle of Endor :]
Day 19: Your favourite era.
Galactic Civil War. Rebel Alliance = ♥
Day 20: Your favourite Star Wars spoof.
Family Guy. Blue Harvest & Something, Something, Something, Dark Side.
Day 21: Most memorable John Williams music.
Battle of the Heroes, Dual of the Fates, and Across The Stars.
Day 22: Your favourite droid.
Artoo Detoo :]
Day 23: Your favourite Jedi.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti.
Day 24: Your favourite force power.
Force jump :D
Day 25: Your favourite cartoon adaptation.
The Clone Wars tv series, the new one.
Day 26: Most heart breaking moment.
When moment when Luke takes off Darth Vader's helmet, & then he dies. Luke cries :'[
Day 27: Most heroic moment.
Anything with Luke Skywalker. :D
Day 28: Least favourite moment.
Anything with Palpatine, Count Dooku, any dude I hate.
Day 29: How would you introduce a new comer to Star Wars?
I don't know xD
Day 30: What would you like to see regarding the future of Star Wars?
Well, they're already releasing the films in 3D next year, so I'm pretty happy with that! :D