Jul 10, 2004 13:49
I've heard to often this phrase "I'm tired of the scene." Therefore, I think that its become about who is cool ie. core. Some people are fine knowing that they'll never be cool or core, others are obsessed with constantly being cool. However, five years from now, 20 years from now, and even when we are dead, no one will care who was cool and who was not. God doesn't store up our possessions in heaven based on our coolness or how scene we are. Our scene points won’t redeem us from our mistakes.
Some take it upon themselves to constantly remind you that you have made mistakes or that you have something wrong with you. They say that you must change to their standards. I've found its not even worth any more time than the time it took to write this post because I personally don't care what other people think about my clothes, hair, music tastes, what I watch, what I don't watch, what I believe or how I relate to the scene.
Furthermore, if we are going to call this gathering of people interested in similar fashion and music the scene, it out to be at least based on family and music, not fashion, attitudes and cliques. The scene has become more about what you wear rather than the music that's represented: a turn from the true representation of what a scene should be. Unfortunately it’s become too often a chance to parade fake masks, a chance to put others down, and allow pride to control us. In other words, you could probably call our scene’s illness the syndrome of prideful negativity.
I’ve come to recognize the effects of the illness within problem, but I personally believe the root of the problem is that we constantly take God out of the picture in every area of our life. For me, every time something becomes about myself and not God, it fails. This has been my experience and I think others can probably relate, and others will disagree. It is fine to disagree with me because I think that each should decide what is true for them without forcibly placing their opinions and beliefs on others as I have seen in the scene. Thus, find what is true, what gives you hope, and what allows you to be yourself. I believe that I have found that for myself, but I dare not impose my opinions on others. I am willing to discuss what I believe, but I will not tell you what to believe.
In summary what this post means to me is that, in the end, nothing on this Earth matters to me, because for me its about my personal convictions with Christ, an eternal hope and how I choose to end my story, not about my collection of scene points or impressing anyone. Dear God I pray for humbleness, take my pride, for I am the one to blame when it comes to contributing to negativity in the scene.
This is my story and this is how I choose to end it: with the resolution of my heart to be filled with Christ's love.