May 02, 2006 21:29
I honestly had to do this.
[x] You've got pearls.
[x] You own plastic jewelry.
[ ] And you wear it proudly.
[ ] You take great pride in how tight your pants are.
[x] You own a studded belt.
[ ] But the way you wear it doesn't help keep your pants on.
[ ] You've had your eye makeup be red.
[ ] Or green.
[ ] And you've got a myspace picture to prove it.
[ ] You've got a picture of just your eyes.
[x] You've got an amazing pair of sunglasses.
[ ] You have more than two brands of black eyeliner.
[ ] your hair tends to fall over at least one of your eyes.
[ ]You've cut your own hair.
[x]You've dyed your hair.
[x]More than once.
[ ] You would cry if your flat iron broke.
[ ] You own some cutie little clips.
[ ]You adore Panic! At The Disco.
[x] You've got more than 5 bands as your friends.
[x] One or more of those bands is indie.
[ ] You think Conor Oberst is god.
[ ]There's at least one lyric on your myspace page.
[ ]You get violent if someone insults your favorite band.
[ ]On your myspace nobody can see your comments.
[ ]You REALLY hate fake people.
[ ] And you proclaim it loudly.
[ ]You make bulletins announcing that you have new pictures.
[ ]You get mad when you refresh your page and have no new comments.
[x]One or more of your myspace pictures is in black and white.
[ ] You have a custom friend box.
[ ] You hate being labeled.
[ ]You call people lovely, doll, or love.
[ ]You hate the way some pEplE tYPE liK Dis.
[x] Stars are just amazing.
[ ] You sincerely enjoy coloring.
[ ] You've got an obsession with childrens toys, i.e. my little ponies
[ ] A boy in girl pants gets you all excited.
[ ] The first thing you notice about a boy/girl is the hair.
[ ] And you instantly judge him/her on this.
[ ] Lip rings are an obvious bonus.
[ ] A boy's/girl's taste in music, or lack there of, can ruin everything.
[ ]You know that falling in love is usually a big mistake.
[ ] Some one says dashboard and you instantly think Chris Carabba.
[x]You have more than 100 myspace friends.
[ ]You've whored someone.
[ ] You've been whored.
[ ] You hate too much whoring, get your own friends.
[ ]Your day is ruined if you check your myspace and you have no new comments.
[ ] You go on vacation and miss your myspace friends!!!
Now multiply your number of x's by two.