Feb 15, 2012 11:46
Josh is getting an apartment today. It's not the one he looked at though. The apartment that he had before he went to Iraq that screwed him over, ended up offering him a two bedroom apartment. Isn't it great?? His Platoon Sergent called and talked to them since they were making Josh pay for when he was in Iraq which they can't do so they offered him an apartment I guess as an apology but he is going there today to see how much it's going to cost him to move in there and everything. He's thinking they won't charge anything because they still have his papers from when he lived in the other apartment. So, I should be down there in no time! I am so excited!!
I am back at my parent's house. Haven't talked to my mom yet because she's still at work. I'm pretty much going to be like, "what happened, is in the past, it doesn't matter. What does matter is our relation ship. I understand that I've given you hell through my life but it's whatever. I want a mature, adult relationship with you. I want to have that mother/daughter friendship. I am going to be twenty soon and I am moving to Texas. I know that I'm going to make mistakes and I'd really like you to be there to help me, but if not then I'm done." I'm also going to throw in her drinking somewhere in hopes that she won't throw a hissy fit. But I'm sure she will.