please read

Jan 13, 2003 01:31

this is important so everybody should read this.. on thursday night i was over atmy friend bens apt. There was stephen, ben, kenny, me, jill, athena, jason, marybeth, jessica, and ashley and an assorted group of other people. Everyone was drinking, when i was there it was like we were all doing shots and talking about how much we were all going to do togethor and how the new year was going to be great. We made alot of toasts and stuff. well, me, jason and jill left early because we had bad feelings. it was weird. so the party continued over at the apt and me and jason and jill all watched signs and eventually crashed. we were by no means drunk. about 330 we get a call from stephen and 6 of the people there had gone to jail. Kenny, Ben, Athena, Jessica, Marybeth and Ashley were all arrested for underage drinking. Ofcourse me, jill and jason jumped up and rushed to the Jail to bail them out. We met up with some other people and there was 8 of us bailing them out. We got Ashley out and everything was fine. However right after that there was a shift change (530 am) and the new police leader type guy told us that he had the personal right to call everyones parents and make it madantory to have their approval before we bailed them out. this was completely unfair as to we were all legal adults and it is none of the parents bussiness. Legally that is. So several hours later they came out. parents were called and a few showed up. Ben was the last. me and jason bailed him out. it took 11 hours. Pure exhaustion. So ben is out now however it was a violatoin of his probation from previous drinking and there is now a warrant out for him. he is turning himself in tommorow. everyone hung out today and as much as we were having fun and trying to make bens few days happy there was a certain air. This is the fact. one of my friends is going to jail. probably for about 4 months. this is a long time for such a minor crime. I cannot fathom what he is going to have to go through. especially now that his dad wont pay for his college, so his college career is gone. his future is totally gone. well, changed, but he doesnt have the oppurtunitys we have now. Im writing this extremely factual and trying to leave feelings out of it. but let me tell you, it is like someone is dying. and we only have a day left to make the most of their time. thats basically what we are trying to do. we all love ben. he is so awesome. if youve nevermet him, your missing out. The worst is that it was the people below them who ratted them out. that is so incredibly horrific that they couldnt take the time to call the apt and askt hem to quiet down. instead they completely ruined a GREAT guys life. In some regards it is good. I will not drink until i am 21. Ive seen what happens. this guys life is gone and all for a drink. none of us will drink. theres a law and it should be followed....please anyone out there dont drink until your old enough. the results can be shattering. its amazing to see the changes. marybeth made her entire apt get rid of anything and gave her roommates a notice that if there is any drugs or alcohol they will call the cops on their roommates. extreme but its for good. same here. fuck that. its not worth it. trust me i know. everyones rid their apts of alcohol. i dont know. ive already cried twice and i know when it comes time tommroow to say goodbye for a while, maybe forever since he is going to have to go into the armed forces for a career and i knowhes moving to missouri, it will be bad. its like a horrible horrible dream and i hate it
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