Nov 29, 2002 12:29
SO wednesday night all of my family got into town so i spent sometime with them and then I went back up to where we went the other night to burn stuff because Tim's bronco got stuck in like 3 feet of mud so of course, the wagoneer of all wagoneers, Wallace, came to the rescue. Nah, like me and jason drove up there and even though no one thought my four wheel drive even worked, but it does and we hooked up a come-along to the back of the bronco and my car and after about 4 tries we slowly got it out. I am really excited that I could help someone. I think its really cool. 3 cheers for the 89 jeep with 260 thousand miles on it. HAHAHAH. so then thursday, ate at my house, ate at jasons grandparents and then like we went to bed at like 9 freakin 30! WOA nelly. and then today, I thought i had to work but i did not so i applied a Fee Lay Gumbo restaurant and I havea second interview on monday at 3. Cool beans. Im sick of my shitty pay at Soccer USA. so fuck them. That entire sentence besides the fuck them rhymed. neat. but yeah, and then i got a blockbuster account and Also I called the district manager for the Blockbuster off of Wade green to tell her that I was a dnied an application although I had all the requirements. But I think I am going to go buys ome schweppes gingerale now. peace out suckas.