Nov 11, 2002 01:58
I got a fish today. I figured thatd be a good way to spend my birthday money from my grandma. I got a Beta fish from Walmart and we named him Chegro Valentine Banderas. So thats cool. He is sitting on my desk in a glass bowl thing with clear and purple rocks. we got him a cool plant too. The shit TINY pee type cup he was in had like two inches of water in it. and he was swimming in his own shit so now that thats fixed he ll be good. I like him alot. Id get another but theyd kill eachother. Maybe i can start an underground beta fighting fish circle. who's in? Chegro wont take crap from no one. My birthday is on Tuesday, I am so fucking excited. Well, IM tired and its time to go so ill talk to you suckers lata. Peace hoes