
Apr 03, 2005 22:03

States. Ah, states.
We didn't move on, but you know what? I had fun. I had a good time. Only slept through one show. Got drawn like 3 times. lol Danced during "Check Please!" Ate some good meals (Thanks to booster mama's) I did miss Cory an awful lot, buuut he had to work all the shows. I ate a lot of chocolate and laughed ALOT. Everybody wants to move on, but states will be states! I'm just glad we even got to go. I will definitely miss the show though. No more buboes. :( Or going into scary trance mode with the flagellants. Hah, I bet they won't miss that.

I WENT TO ESKIMO KING TODAY! The place looked sooo cute. The walls were all painted and had cute things on the wall. I got scheduled to work this week! Nancy made a 2-6 shift, which is awesomeee. So I can work around rehearsals. I'll probably fail out of school, but hey! I get a paycheck again! Yayyyyy. And I had ice cream. Beautiful beautiful ice cream. I saw Alex, Ashley, Jill, and Jenna. I was excited.. haven't seen all them in foreverr! My little visit made my day :) I can't wait to work.!

Tonight.. 4 hours of vball. Helped with younger kids, then practiced.

But I'm tired.. and realllllly wanna talk to Cory. So I'm going to put on the Red Sox, and do so.

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