Abstract Light tutorial

Aug 29, 2009 11:46

Program: Photoshop
Made at: Photoshop CS2
Transtalable: Yes

Make new document with size 1024x768 or more. You'll need big space. Cause its looks like two tutorial, I called '1st tutor' (for the abstract image) and '2nd tutor' (for the end of result).

:: 1st tutor ::

1. Make any shape, not too little or too big. Me use font 'a' from 'flower ornament'. Then make new layer (shift+ctrl+N) and fill with clouds (Filter-Render-Clouds), set to Darken 100% and flatten all layers

2. Now, Click Filter-Stylize-Extrude.
Type: Pyramids
Size: 20
Depth: 255 Random
You can repeat the step for more abstract (Ctrl+F). I did twice. Feel free to change the setting .

3. For coloring, Image-Adjusments-Hue/Saturation. Don't forgot to checklist 'Colorize'.

Hue: 40
Saturation: 100
*Feel free with the setting.
4. Duplicate it and set to Color Dodge 100% or less. Then duplicate top layer and choose Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur with Radius 6 pixels. Set to Linear Dodge 100%, duplicate once again.

5. Duplicate the topmost layer and set to Overlay 100%. Well Done~

:: 2nd tutor ::
1. Now, pick this picture (I had edited it to B/W). Drag to '1st tutor', set to Screen 100% then erase unnecessary part

2. Duplicate the picture and choose Filter-Blur-Motion Blur.
Angle: 67
Distance: 200 pixels
Move it to the right.

3. Choose Hue/Saturation, My setting.
Hue: 20
Saturation: 100
Don't forgot checklist the 'Colorize'.
Duplicate again and set to Linear Dodge 100%. (I moved the layer to the right again).
4. Duplicate the base, Rotate 90 CW (Edit-Transform-Rotate 90 CW). set to Lighten 100 %, (mine transform again to 180 and erase some part). You can pass this step.
5. Take this texture, made by beroo (I forgot your link (or someone know), tell me if you know so I can credit for you). Set to Color Dodge 100%. Add some text or anything and WELL DONE~

Use Filter-Liquify (Shift+Ctrl+X) with 'Forward Warp Tool' 
  to get this result. This light used wing's brush.

Another result with another shape:

- Comment if you liking.
- Credit to fatal_complexes or xsakitjiwax.
- Have fun and let me know your result :)

tutorial: abstract, filters: liquify, tutorial: light, tutorial, program: photoshop, filters: stylize, filters, filters: blur

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