[Drabble?] I Miss You.

Jul 24, 2011 21:03

Title: I Miss You
Genre: Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort.
Author: xsaki_uchiha (a.k.a. me.)
Character(s)/Paring(s): England, America, Canada.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Possible accident trigger, character death, aaaaaangst.
Summary: "When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you." - Avril Lavigne.

Notes: I should be doing an essay right now.

Enjoy~ ♥


I Miss You
"It's been a year, hasn't it, Alfred?"


I could see how hurt he still was. Three hundred and sixty five days ago, we were standing in this exact spot, with cottony tufts of frost falling from the sky, looking like a soft powder on the frozen earth. The cold breeze was bone-chilling, but fitting all the while.

He had always liked the snow.

I watched as Alfred sat in front of the large granite stone, legs crossed and looking like a lost child, reaching out to trace the letters engraved there.

Matthew William Jones.
July 1st, 1973 – December 23rd, 1992.
In loving memory of our brother.
His eyes were searching; searching for some truth that this was all fake and that he'd arrive home in a few hours to a mug of hot cocoa and the arms of his sibling. But, this was the truth. Reality.

I remember the day as if I was there with the two of them. The tale was told to me as we sat in the sterile hospital room, nothing but the clock's ticking and the beeping of the heart monitor to break our silence. It was then that Alfred poured his heart out to me.

"I thought it was just gonna be a nice night on the town for us, y'know, Artie?" His voice cracked as he held Matthew's hand against his cheek. "Late Christmas shopping, maybe a coffee then a dinner at one of those downtown restaurants... Not stuck in a hospital, one brother alright, one near dead." Not once did he turn his tearful gaze away from Matthew's seemingly peaceful face. I half expected him to open his violet eyes any moment then.

"Not stuck upside-down in a Porsche, with the roof caved in and half-conscious. God, Artie, I can still remember his face before he passed out." I didn't reply. I just let my own silent tears fall from my eyes, as I held a small, pale hand in my own, caressing its knuckles.

"He wasn't scared, Artie. It's like he knew all along that this would happen. Like he was ready for it. His face was caked in blood, but he was smiling at me, Artie. Oh god, it's all my fault-"

"Don't say that, Alfred." My voice sounded so small. "You and I both know it was that drunken son of a bitch." By this time, Alfred was clutching onto Matthew's arm like a life preserver.

"I wasn't watching the road- I coulda swerved outta the way, Artie! I coulda-"

"Stop it, Alfred."

The next hour was just screams and cries of Matthew's name as the monitor flat lined.

His shoulders now shook, and there was a biting chill on my cheeks. "Let's go, Alfred. Matthew wouldn't want us out here catching pneumonia, especially on the day before Christmas Eve." I didn't move at all. Alfred shook his head tiredly and told me in a quiet mumble, "You go, Arthur. I catch up with you in a minute."

"I'll be in the car." With that, I solemnly turned away from my best friend and cousin and headed back to our Cadillac, rubbing my eyes free of the salty water, only to have more gathering at the corners. I glanced back to him once more to find him with his forehead pressed against the stone, hands gripping the edges of it.

"... I miss you, Mattie."
It was then I truly knew that the old, bubbly Alfred everyone knew and loved – the one whose smile could light up a darkened room in no time – was gone forever.

character: england, fanfiction: axis powers hetalia, genre: tragedy, character: canada, genre: hurt/comfort, character: america

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