Feb 05, 2004 19:37
Fuck everything that was ever said before this entry because I know the truth. All of this that is going on now sprawled from a lie, from one of the people I thought I could trust. From the one person that has been there since Angie and I have ever got together. Im not mentioning any names, but I want to let you know that I now know who my true friends are, and those are the ones who believed me, believed the truth. and they are miguel, my brother, cory, my mother, chelsea, angie's sister's boyfriend, robert, spooner, jaymz, abby, brittany, and ryan. Nobody else in this entire world believed me, let alone listened to what I have to say. Thank all of you for believing me. I have done nothing to any of you to make you believe that I would lie to you. Its all over now, Angie ended it, I have no reason to lie now. So I am still sticking with the truth, I did not cheat on Angie. I can't believe I had to find out that it was one of my friends (well, someone i thought was my friend) ruined my life AND angies life. We're both miserable now. If that person didnt lie, we could've moved on with our life and maybe eventually got back together because thats what I have always wanted from the start. Now there is no chance of that ever happening again, let alone to talk to her. I guess one good thing came out of this, I finally know who is my friend. Now the girl that I love hates me and I will never get to be with her ever again. What a cruel world. I didnt deserve this. Im a good person. my TRUE friends know that. I did everything in the world for angie and more, but i made a mistake, and she made me pay the price. she left me. it never had to be this way. Now everybody thinks im a piece of shit and everyone hates me. I dont care if you hate me or not, but I do care if you look down at me as a cheater because thats not what i am. I treat all girls with respect and like they are heaven-sent. This is no fair. What did I do to deserve this? Nobody believes me, even so that Chelsea and I would be the only ones to know if I cheated on Angie, and yet, no one still believes me. What great friends you can find in the lovely city of Jacksonville, FL. I hope you all feel bad for what you put me through, because you deserve to suffer more than guilt. My lifes ruined, thank you all. My lifes ruined because no one wants to ever hear the truth. they always want the most exciting answer, truth or not. I hope I fucking die tonight, so all of you will feel bad. I hope i walk outside and get shot and die so all of you would realize, wow, josh actually was telling the truth and we ruined his life because we're the ones who are pieces of shit, not josh. yes, FUCK YOU ALL. You're ALL pieces of shit.