Please bear with me here and remember I'm in a mood,this is all sarcastic... so if you feel like your in an offensive mood, this is a post you are going to want to skip for the day.
I was talking to a friend about Marilyn Monroe and I asked something to the tune of I wonder what things would be like if the hottest model still looked the Monroe. Granted I will always love you Twiggy, Kate, and Nicole but I can't help but wonder if things would be different. Anyways while looking through pictures of marilyn and I came to a site about "models through the years" and there was a link to the side so naturally I click it. And lo and behold I find the responses of little tykes. Anyways I thought I would add a little response to what they said.
What's a healthy look?
Fashion bosses are trying to make sure that models at London's Fashion Week aren't so thin they look unhealthy.
Some models are so thin they have the same measurements as seven-year-old kids.
So we wondered exactly what you thought was a healthy look? Do you think thin models look okay? Perhaps you like seeing models who are larger in magazines or on TV?
Unfortunately this topic is now closed but there are Comments pages on other subjects on the main Chat index
Your Comments
I think that skinny models look really disgusting.
Amy, 8, Whitford
****************Well Amy I can believe you, because you are 8 years old and although I was practicing for the run-way at 5 years old I know most kids between 5-8 are playing with their friends... so someone your moms age who can wear your ten year old sisters clothes would be gross.
I think curvy people would make great models as well.
Olivia, 12, Cardiff
***************What is curvy to a 12 year old? When I was 12 I wanted to wear the jeans I had when I was 10 but try and find a AA wonder bra...
A healthy look is not what other people think it's what you actually think yourself. If you feel healthy then you will be healthy in the mind and on the outside. It will show. So if these models feel healthy then we can't try and make them put on weight.
Emma, 13, Lisburn
**************Dear Emma, When I was in the EDU I wish you could have told my doctors that. I appreciate your ZEN.
A healthy look is a person who isn't a skeleton, but isn't obese. They are healthy if their eyes shine and they smile lots!
Amelia, 12, Salisbury
**************Damn I wish I had your mindset at 12. My 12 year old answer: A healthy person is someone who... wait what do you mean by healthy??
I don't think skinny and underage models should be banned. I'm 13 but naturally skinny and very tall for my age. I eat well and eat more than anyone else I know. If they ban underweight and underage models from catwalks I won't get any work! I think no age ban but models should have to take the BMI test. If they are really naturally thin they will be on the edge of being an underweight BMI.
Katharine, 13, Bourne
*************Katherine I used to tell people that all the time it's a lie, that's like Pam Anderson saying "my breasts just look like rocks naturally" But granted I'm sure in time you will one day go through puberty and this will be entirely the opposite. I applaud you for your honesty though go you little trigger maker!
I think that they shouldn't be on the catwalk because they look unattractive and horrible. GET SOME FAT ON THAT BODY!! I also get really cautious of how I look too. What are the measurements supposed to be for a thirteen nearly fourteen girl??
Tina, 13, Manchester
***********First of all I can supply your mother with a great psych just for you! You'll need one in about a year. Your end statement totally debunks your first one. Sorry Love...
I personally do not find skinny models attractive.
Andy, 13, Keswick
***********Andy are you a boy or a girl, if you are a boy that is because you have been reading your brother's playboy too much.
I think that skinny celebs are just ridiculous, they are a bad influence on girls my age.
Jess, 11, Surrey
**********Jessie you're right, but the question was about models...
I would love to get into the modelling business, but I feel my weight would hold me back.
Tammy, 12, Bassenthwaite
********** It will, do yourself a favor, unless you are projected to be 5'10 find a new dream and save your parents tons of money.
I think it's stupid to encourage skinny models and that being skinny doesn't mean you look any better.
Evelyn, 13, Lerwick
********** Evelyn you're right, some people were just hit with the ugly stick when they were born.
People think anorexia is just about being thin, but anorexia is about emotional and physical problems. It's unfair to say they're disgusting because it's not all about looks. But everyone's entitled to their own opinion. So let them be how they want to be.
Charlotte, 12, High Wycombe
************Charlotte, There is a bed in the EDU for you please take it now. "That is not fair. That is not *fair*! That is *not fair*! Seventy-four is the perfect weight!" -Janet Girl Interupted... she felt the same way... look where that landed her... that's right... in the coo-coo's nest... it's ok we've all been there
I think that we should see normal healthy models. Seeing super skinny models gives people and especially children and teenagers a bad idea about their image, they think that to be attractive you need to be skinny.
Amelia, 9, London
*************Amelia you are a very insightful 9 year old. Sadly you are right, but they tried using real people to model clothes and even deodorant and sadly it failed, when you are older you will understand that for some reason women enjoy torturing themselves.
Skinny models gross me out. It's horrible seeing so many skinny people in the magazines and never seeing any with some extra weight on them when you don't see their bones.
Jessica, 13, Stewartsville
************I'm sorry you are over weight.
Whoever said being a size zero is attractive is wrong. I think fashion would reach out to more women if the models weren't the measurements of my younger sister.
Becky, 12, York
************ FUCK YEAH! I know this totally goes against my other comments but well fucking put lol
I think that you don't have to be a stick to look good. You're better off just being slim. I've got a flat stomach, and people tell me I should eat more, but I eat enough! I do think that Italy had the right idea banning too skinny models.
Jasmine, 12, Walsall
***********Well when I was 12 people told me that too... and I said the same thing. I also have spent my entire life trying to learn being slim is okay too... keep that up.
I think people should be whatever size they want to be, if that's fat, skinny or seriously over weight!!!!! It doesn't really matter what you look like but what you feel like!!!
Laura, 12, Newcastle
***********Ok I rather die than be the mother in "whats eating gilbert grape," but thank you mini Oprah
I think a healthy look depends more on your BMI than your actual thinness - I am naturally very thin and I have been called a stick and that I need to eat more, but it's not true!
Stephanie, 12, Bristol
**********I don't know about you but I was the ONLY 12 year old who knew what a BMI was at my school... let's just take a moment and remember why...
I think catwalks should have models of all different shapes and sizes, then more people would feel confident with whatever their body size or shape is.
Emma, 13, Ely
**********great idea but this will never work... couture only comes in one size, baby gap.
I think it's disgusting and that the clothes are for people to buy, so why put them on a stick insect?
Charlotte, 13, Bedford
***********Right on Charlotte, I don't believe in clothing insects with $1000 jeans either.
If a model wants to be underweight then it's up to them and I don't really care if I see a skinny model because I'm not gonna think 'Umm I should lose weight', I'm gonna think 'She must be hungry'.
Sophia, 11, Barnstaple
***********Sophia don't worry cocaine and adderall tends to subdue their appetite they are just fine!
I think models that skinny should we banned as they set a bad example to children and a child might risk there life to copy that look.
Lauren, 11, Derby
Please bear with me here and remember I'm in a mood,this is all sarcastic... so if you feel like your in an offensive mood, this is a post you are going to want to skip for the day.
I was talking to a friend about Marilyn Monroe and I asked something to the tune of I wonder what things would be like if the hottest model still looked the Monroe. Granted I will always love you Twiggy, Kate, and Nicole but I can't help but wonder if things would be different. Anyways while looking through pictures of marilyn and I came to a site about "models through the years" and there was a link to the side so naturally I click it. And lo and behold I find the responses of little tykes. Anyways I thought I would add a little response to what they said.
What's a healthy look?
Fashion bosses are trying to make sure that models at London's Fashion Week aren't so thin they look unhealthy.
Some models are so thin they have the same measurements as seven-year-old kids.
So we wondered exactly what you thought was a healthy look? Do you think thin models look okay? Perhaps you like seeing models who are larger in magazines or on TV?
Unfortunately this topic is now closed but there are Comments pages on other subjects on the main Chat index
Your Comments
I think that skinny models look really disgusting.
Amy, 8, Whitford
****************Well Amy I can believe you, because you are 8 years old and although I was practicing for the run-way at 5 years old I know most kids between 5-8 are playing with their friends... so someone your moms age who can wear your ten year old sisters clothes would be gross.
I think curvy people would make great models as well.
Olivia, 12, Cardiff
***************What is curvy to a 12 year old? When I was 12 I wanted to wear the jeans I had when I was 10 but try and find a AA wonder bra...
A healthy look is not what other people think it's what you actually think yourself. If you feel healthy then you will be healthy in the mind and on the outside. It will show. So if these models feel healthy then we can't try and make them put on weight.
Emma, 13, Lisburn
**************Dear Emma, When I was in the EDU I wish you could have told my doctors that. I appreciate your ZEN.
A healthy look is a person who isn't a skeleton, but isn't obese. They are healthy if their eyes shine and they smile lots!
Amelia, 12, Salisbury
**************Damn I wish I had your mindset at 12. My 12 year old answer: A healthy person is someone who... wait what do you mean by healthy??
I don't think skinny and underage models should be banned. I'm 13 but naturally skinny and very tall for my age. I eat well and eat more than anyone else I know. If they ban underweight and underage models from catwalks I won't get any work! I think no age ban but models should have to take the BMI test. If they are really naturally thin they will be on the edge of being an underweight BMI.
Katharine, 13, Bourne
*************Katherine I used to tell people that all the time it's a lie, that's like Pam Anderson saying "my breasts just look like rocks naturally" But granted I'm sure in time you will one day go through puberty and this will be entirely the opposite. I applaud you for your honesty though go you little trigger maker!
I think that they shouldn't be on the catwalk because they look unattractive and horrible. GET SOME FAT ON THAT BODY!! I also get really cautious of how I look too. What are the measurements supposed to be for a thirteen nearly fourteen girl??
Tina, 13, Manchester
***********First of all I can supply your mother with a great psych just for you! You'll need one in about a year. Your end statement totally debunks your first one. Sorry Love...
I personally do not find skinny models attractive.
Andy, 13, Keswick
***********Andy are you a boy or a girl, if you are a boy that is because you have been reading your brother's playboy too much.
I think that skinny celebs are just ridiculous, they are a bad influence on girls my age.
Jess, 11, Surrey
**********Jessie you're right, but the question was about models...
I would love to get into the modelling business, but I feel my weight would hold me back.
Tammy, 12, Bassenthwaite
********** It will, do yourself a favor, unless you are projected to be 5'10 find a new dream and save your parents tons of money.
I think it's stupid to encourage skinny models and that being skinny doesn't mean you look any better.
Evelyn, 13, Lerwick
********** Evelyn you're right, some people were just hit with the ugly stick when they were born.
People think anorexia is just about being thin, but anorexia is about emotional and physical problems. It's unfair to say they're disgusting because it's not all about looks. But everyone's entitled to their own opinion. So let them be how they want to be.
Charlotte, 12, High Wycombe
************Charlotte, There is a bed in the EDU for you please take it now. "That is not fair. That is not *fair*! That is *not fair*! Seventy-four is the perfect weight!" -Janet Girl Interupted... she felt the same way... look where that landed her... that's right... in the coo-coo's nest... it's ok we've all been there
I think that we should see normal healthy models. Seeing super skinny models gives people and especially children and teenagers a bad idea about their image, they think that to be attractive you need to be skinny.
Amelia, 9, London
*************Amelia you are a very insightful 9 year old. Sadly you are right, but they tried using real people to model clothes and even deodorant and sadly it failed, when you are older you will understand that for some reason women enjoy torturing themselves.
Skinny models gross me out. It's horrible seeing so many skinny people in the magazines and never seeing any with some extra weight on them when you don't see their bones.
Jessica, 13, Stewartsville
************I'm sorry you are over weight.
Whoever said being a size zero is attractive is wrong. I think fashion would reach out to more women if the models weren't the measurements of my younger sister.
Becky, 12, York
************ FUCK YEAH! I know this totally goes against my other comments but well fucking put lol
I think that you don't have to be a stick to look good. You're better off just being slim. I've got a flat stomach, and people tell me I should eat more, but I eat enough! I do think that Italy had the right idea banning too skinny models.
Jasmine, 12, Walsall
***********Well when I was 12 people told me that too... and I said the same thing. I also have spent my entire life trying to learn being slim is okay too... keep that up.
I think people should be whatever size they want to be, if that's fat, skinny or seriously over weight!!!!! It doesn't really matter what you look like but what you feel like!!!
Laura, 12, Newcastle
***********Ok I rather die than be the mother in "whats eating gilbert grape," but thank you mini Oprah
I think a healthy look depends more on your BMI than your actual thinness - I am naturally very thin and I have been called a stick and that I need to eat more, but it's not true!
Stephanie, 12, Bristol
**********I don't know about you but I was the ONLY 12 year old who knew what a BMI was at my school... let's just take a moment and remember why...
I think catwalks should have models of all different shapes and sizes, then more people would feel confident with whatever their body size or shape is.
Emma, 13, Ely
**********great idea but this will never work... couture only comes in one size, baby gap.
I think it's disgusting and that the clothes are for people to buy, so why put them on a stick insect?
Charlotte, 13, Bedford
***********Right on Charlotte, I don't believe in clothing insects with $1000 jeans either.
If a model wants to be underweight then it's up to them and I don't really care if I see a skinny model because I'm not gonna think 'Umm I should lose weight', I'm gonna think 'She must be hungry'.
Sophia, 11, Barnstaple
***********Sophia don't worry cocaine and adderall tends to subdue their appetite they are just fine!
People who fuss about their weight can be overreacting. The best thing to do is be healthy and enjoy life!
Ella, 11, Norwich
*********** Well you're no fun. Damn supportive parenting.
Some models aren't as thin as they're made out to be. Weight issues are mostly to do with how the media portrays people! For example they'll use computers to edit the length of people's legs and size of their waist.
Aimee, 12, Derby
***********That is very true Aimee, and the camera adds 10 lbs
I think that it is a bad influence on younger teens like myself to be really skinny but if that's what they want then let them do it - it's up to them after all!
Laura, 11, Warton
************ Laura I wish my treatment centers had more people like you on their staff. I personally think they are just trying to tell you to spend your lunch money on clothes and not that pizza... but whatever.
Too-skinny models are absolutely disgusting and I would be put right off watching a catwalk because of them. They should be banned because it makes people watching feel fat, when actually the models have made themselves look gross and abnormal.
Ellen, 12, Leicestershire
*************Ellen watching the models does make me feel fat... but even when I weighed as little as them I felt fat... tell me sensai what should I do about that?
To me skinny isn't attractive. Just because their stomach isn't flat doesn't mean they can't be models. They should be the average weight and size.
Laura, 13, Bucks
*************Thishappened 20 well no 30 years ago but designers realized that they could spend less money if they got thinner models.
I think that being too skinny isn't good and it's not attractive! You are more likely to become anorexic if you are obsessed with being skinny than if you are just naturally thin!
Sally,11, Crief
*************Well shit Sally why didn't I think of that... Fuck you for not making me naturally thin, I could have totally avoided 100's of thousands of dollars in treatment bills... I'm sure you would have made blue cross happy.
I think banning skinny models is a good idea but some models are not too bad. But it's not nice seeing people's bones.
Chloe, 10, Devon
**************So which models aren't too bad... because I just went through the internet and I wasn't so keen on the plus sized models... are you talking "Shape" and
"Play Boy" because then you are right those models are not too bad... but you'll never have their perky racks so start saving for the boob job now...
I don't think people should be skinny, but they shouldn't be obese either.
Rosie, 11, Reading
*************I'm a black and white thinker here Rosie... Help me understand...
Healthy looking and plump looks good.
Maria, 13, Penarth
************Your mother is obese... plump? Really? .... that's like carpman saying "I"m not fat I'm just big boned" the kid is fat. He is a rolly poley... I'm sure his mom says he is plump too.
Being fat or thin doesn't show your inner beauty it just means if you are thin you can wear more stylish clothes.
Hannah, 10, Bearsden
************Hannah you are right. You do get to wear more stylish clothes, last I checked Kate Moss still hates her life.
Models are supposed to look good, so if people find skinny models attractive, then it is fair enough for them to be skinny. I don't think people are influenced much by models anyway.
Emily, 13, Reading
************Your friends seem to think otherwise... But you are correct, if you really want to get philosophical on this shit what makes them think something is attractive?
A healthy look is when you are not obese and not underweight, then you've got the healthy look!
Estelle, 11, Sutton
************My past does not believe you. But my boyfriend agrees.
I think if you're too fat or too thin you look unhealthy.
Jodie, 10, St Ives
I think that models are too thin and they're just there to make people feel bad.
Rosalie, 11, Welshpool
*********** Rosalie I agree.
( just a disclaimer I have a good handful of model friends who actually do not have an eating disorder. They are actually not on the run way to make me feel bad, they just make a lotta $$$ :) )
OK so Those little kids do have a point kidding aside. I wonder if when I have a daughter if sheltering her from the modern day twiggy and Nicole Kidd will save her poor little spirit... or will it make her into a sheltered child and when she leaves for her rumspringa the world comes crashing down on her.... granted these aren't things I have to worry about now they just often cross my mind. Honestly I would have developed an eating disorder no matter what I saw as a child, but watching E! everyday from the age of 3 to 17 and idolizing Kate Moss was probably NOT the best way to grow up. Had I a Marilyn Monroe to look at I would most likely totally embrace the body I feel I am stuck with now... minus many sizes... but I have tits and I have an ass, and quite honestly I don't read magazines for the reason the little kids told us up above... they make me feel bad. So I just practice self affirmations and rely on D to tell me without words ;) that I'm hot... because as it stands right now I'm not to that point yet. I can however tell you I'm a cool person and thats a big step up in my opinion.