Dec 22, 2006 16:22
I wish Pat (my neighbor) would just shut the fuck up. He doesn't talk. He YELLS. And he's at my other neighbor's house, and I can hear every goddamn word.
Yeah, I can't talk without swear words. Heh. :| He's just so... annoying. And adolescent. He's nearly 50.
Anyways; here...
[A is for age:] I don't tell.
[B is for beer of choice:] Don't drink much.
[C is for career:] Slacker/student.
[D is for favorite Drink:] Fizzy water.
[E is for essential item you use everyday:] Computer.
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
[G is for favorite games:] Sims 2.
[H is for hometown:] Napa, California. Yes, Wine County.
[I is for instruments you play:] Hypothetical guitar, since I don't have one.
[J is for favorite juice?:] Orange juice. No pulp. n______n
[K is for kids?:] Kids hate me. I have no clue what makes them happy.
[L is for last hug:] Uhhhhh. This morning after my mom had to force my earrings in.
[M is for marriage:] I don't think so.
[N is for full name:] Marissa Joy Alberston. My name might has well have been "I'mnotSpanishI'mwhitetrashbutmynameisMarissaanyways Rainbow Grocerystore".
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] None yet. My ideal hospital stay would be with the cast of Scrubs taking care of me... teehee, I'm lame.
[P is for phobias:] Heights, especially when things aren't enclosed or it's really narrow.
[Q is for quote:] We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl year after year. I don't know what in means, but it sounds alright.
[R is for biggest regret:] Mehh.. I regret a lot; posting all of it isn't really gonna help anyone.
[S is for self confidence:] It's alright, trying to improve.
[T is for time you wake up] 7:45 on normal days, but during vacation usually around 12:30.
[U is for color of underwear:] I have all colors of underwear, today it's pink hot pants with cherries... Yeah, curse my girliness, blahblah.
[V is for vegetable you love:] Potatoes. Mashed, twice-baked, baked, roasted, scalloped. You name it, I love it.
[W is for worst habit:] Biting my lip, chewing on jewelry, playing with anything around me, lack of self control. That was more than one, actually.
[X is for x-rays you've had:] My ankle, yippee for third degree sprains.
[Y is for yummy food you make:] Toast.
[Z is for zodiac sign:] Virgo.