*If you wanna walk, I'm a step ahead.*

Nov 03, 2004 16:06

MaNdUhOh8 (4:02:15 PM): why you frontin like a hoe                                               BeCcAoH7 (4:02:23 PM): b/c i iz a hoe
MaNdUhOh8 (4:02:26 PM): lol
BeCcAoH7 (4:02:39 PM): guh i late fo work down at 4th avenue
MaNdUhOh8 (4:03:56 PM): you are definitely gettin me weak

You know how we do thangz...

AmAnDa~ I dont even know where to start with you.I'm really glad Vikie felt sorry for me when I first moved here in 3rd grade and made you talk to me. I have no idea what I wold do with out you. You keep me sane. I've been through alot latey, and you have never not been there to talk to me, even tho I drove you up the wall. I'll never forget all the late night convorsations we've had, and all the crazy memories we've made together. I love you a whole bunch! mAnDi ~n~ BeKi!!

MoLlY~MOO!!! you have absolutley NO idea what you mean to me! We've been friends since day one..well...maybe day 3, but i duno. ha! You are always there to keep me laughing! We've fought(litteraly), laughed, cryed, got sick, got sunburned anything thing you can think of, we've done it together! You have never left my side, and I'll never leave yours! I love you moo!!!!

KeNdAlL~oh my gah! Good goo i dont even know what to say! there are far to many crazy times to even tell anyone! sheesh! Since 7th grade when you asked me for a ride home, weve been attatched at the hip. ha. From WHALEY to ramen noodles and lloyd in space. Sumo wrestling, you burping your ABC's 6 times in a row, THE RING! Modeling in the ocean when it was 62 degrees outside. Jeeze. We sum crazy fools. I love you Killa C!!

MiCheL aLlEn~PGMIKEYT123!! ahh!! haha! Oh gah. The memoris begin in the good ol 8th grade. You caught my eye! hee! I'm so happy that we ended up still being friends! I dont know what i would do without you dude! You walk me through lifes adventures, and sing to me along the way! I love you mikey!!! YO LO!! ha!

PhIlLiP~PHILLY! ok, i've only known you for like...umm a month, but you have to know, that you kept me laughing when nothing else could. seriously. I was having a really hard time, and I started hanging out with Michael again, and luckily got to meet you! Your wonderful!Napolean Dynamite is the best!! ::I'm making the noise off the Grudge, you just cant hear it!::

KeN~yo home slice. We've been through just about everything. Breakups, to ambulance rides, to trampolines, wrestling matches, you name it. even tho things didnt work, the fact that you and I came out of everything as friends, means alot to me. You still my best buddy ken lee. YEEE!

LaUrEn~thanks so much for everything you do for me. I'm so glad me and you have gotten so close this year! You best thing to happen to me at BA! teehee! I love you bunches!

AmAnDa ReEvEs~I miss you!!! end of story!! I had soooo much frun staying in seattle with you! even tho i got sick and had to come home early! you still help me with all of my problems! I love you a whole bunch! i'm always here for you!
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