Apr 05, 2007 18:09
ok so here i am again after a looooong break lol. soooo guess what?!? i learned how to solve a rubiks cube!!! i never thought that that would ever happen!!!! thanks to a certain someone that means the world to me that is lol. my dad thought it was cool by the way lol.
yeah so classes are going okish......i'm in pretty good standing but enough about that! i'm tired of it lol. i am soo looking forward to the summer. the only thing that's going to suck is being away from those i love here at home. don't worry.......i'll be back before you know it!
so i have championships coming up next week....i'm kinda excited. i haven't performed there since 2004 so it's going to nice. i remember when i went last year, i kept thinking how much i wished i could be on that floor one more time and now here i am. at the same time though, i'm kinda sad that this will probably be the last year that i can do this. i dunno we'll see i guess.
so yay the office tonight!!! i'm soooo excited! there hasn't been a new episode in a while so i can't wait. that show is like one i love and hate at the same time......God i love that! it's like i get so frustrated when watching it but it is sooooo funny i can't help it! it's great!!! i can't wait til Heroes starts again. i hate how shows do that to you....they just leave you hanging and it sucks lol. oh well what can you do?
man i feel so out of shape. so i ran today and i'm sure i didn't do bad, but it felt so hard lol. i only ran twice around the block and it didn't take too long but man i was winded. it kinda doesn't make sense since i'm in guard again, but i have regained some of my flexibility so thats good =). i wish i could keep it up. but that's just me i guess lol
so i have a great boyfriend....he snuck in here and wrote me a cute letter. it was soooo cute! i loved it!! he is so sweet and i am very lucky to have him. (that was my shout out to you by the way lol)<333
ok well the monsters are downstairs running amuck so i should probably help out a lil bit
...........poo ha ha