disturbed but oh well

May 28, 2008 01:16

I have no idea why out of so many characters Kipi did and so many of the same characters other cosplayers did,
why am i being compared to Kipi?

i am not Kipi, don't have the same face, don't have her small waist and doesn't do fanservice like her.
I don't have professionally-tailored costume like her, since i have to rush my own costume in less than one week.
I don't have professional makeup like her, nor professional studio lights, nor professional photoshopping.
Guitars are part of fan-based item and i don't see what's wrong with it. So holding a lemon is better?
and yes, we do have orange and banana. So happened that shot didn't take it.

other than that, in what way is she really a "best cosplayer" and "way better"?

hope the singapore scene would improve because i don't look like Kipi?
So because i don't look like Kipi, the singapore scene is bad.

point out inaccuracies or bad personality portrayal, i'll silence without hesitation.
but just comparing one single event public photo with another professional studio photo, i can only say you are shallow and superficial.
Ah, since you like Arisa anyway.


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