This weekend was probably the best weekend of the year. On Friday, Courtney came over and spent the night. Saturday I went to the mall to buy shoes and a hair clip and stuff, and then I got my hair done..because I'm cool. It ended up looking really bad, so I combed most of it out. Then Alex, Beth, Erica, Matt W, Matt K, Jess, Lauren and Brian met up at Beth's house for pictures. I met Matt's mom, and I found out that I already knew her from Slim and Tone..and it was just very ironic, because I didn't know it was Matt's mom. Then I drove with Matt to Friday's. Dinner was a lot of fun, and we met up with Ashley and Chris there. Then we drove to the dance. We listened to Trapt :D. The decorations at the dance were awesome. We got pictures taken, and then goofed off the rest of the time. It was really fun. We were trying to steal this Marilyn Monroe cut-out for Meghan, but then the teachers came so we couldn't (Sorry Meg). It was really wierd to dance, because I didn't dance much at Homecoming, so the last time I danced before that was Youth Center. I knew a lot of people at the prom, so that worked out good. Afterwards, we drove back to Matt's house. We listened to Trapt :D (again). When we got there, we ate food and just chilled and listened to music. Brian and Lauren are going out now (aww) so that's cool. I left around 1:30. Much fun.
Matt, on the way to Friday's
Alex, being cool.
Dr. Matt, fixing Jess' corsage. (Sorry about the sideways-ness)
Brian, about to eat something disgusting (Basically, a little bit of everyones food..mashed together)
Now he's actually eating it. Blah.
He's gonna blow!
Ashley and Chris.. too cute :)
They all wore the same dress, haha. Had to get a picture.
Ashley and Chris, lookin hotttt.
Me and Matt, being the cool kids we are.
Me & a cardboard guy.
What a fag.
Ashley's a a car. And that rhymed.
Cool kid.
Adam and Sam. How hot are they?
Matt + Chris + Cotton Eyed Joe
Chris hitting Matt with a balloon. Cool kids.
Chris dancing with a balloon.
Today I woke up and went to my cousin's birthday party. It was really gay, but I got to see my family. Then I went to Forest Hill Rec and played tennis with my mom. We are soo bad at tennis.