Just some things... that may not even count... yeah..

Jan 28, 2011 19:36

People have always been asking me why I don't talk much and why I don't 'communicate' with people in my class or in general at all outside of my little 'group of friends'....
Well... I've always wanted to list reasons... though they may not be GOOD reasons, they're sure as hell are reasons to ME.

1. I'm socially awkward. Have been since I could remember. Even my KINDERGARTEN teacher said I wouldn't talk much... (well, that's what my brother told me she said anyways)
2. I'm shy... (honestly.)
3. My voice is naturally quiet... (seriously, no one ever hears me) (it's that or my socially awkwardness/shyness brought this upon my... volume)
4. I'm lacking in my common sense department... (my friend and I say so at least...)
5. I'm kind of... blockhead/dense.... I don't know to what extent. I just am....ish.
6. I'd rather sit in silence, alone, than be awkward in a large group/crowd of people I could care less about...
7. I'm indifferent to the people around me...
8. I enjoy my very own little world thank you very much.
9. I'm no good under pressure/stress and talking to people I barely know induces this... (I can barely order shit when I go out... It's a pain in the ass)
10. I am very bad at wording what I say (no one even gives me enough time to think it through properly) and am not a very... 'right now' person....
11. I'M AN INTROVERT. I'm fine with my lifestyle (though the others around me are not.... [though I do try to get out as much as possible])
12. I'd rather think of random, sadistic things and speak a language no one understands (not LITERALLY, like... talk about topics or spur of moment ideas that no one understands) than talk about things I could care less for (though I do suck it up and listen when I'd rather be dozing off or doing something else)
13. I just don't really care... (no real motivation)

Now don't kill me.... I think I've done plenty of that... in my own little way... (>_>;;)
Well, if these things don't really count... then... that's just great.



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