Jul 17, 2005 00:04
1) Starting time: 12:08
2) Full name: Samantha Dawn Hutchins
3) Nicknames: Sam, Sammy, Sweetheart, Pig Pen, Sammy Salsa
4) School: Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
5) Email: sweetieface1@hotmail.com
6) Eyes: Brown
7) Height: 5'6
8) Siblings: Candi and Karl
9) Ever been kissed: yes
10) Ever been cheated on or cheated: I'm pretty sure
11) What do you want in a relationship: Dave
12) Ever missed school because it was raining? no, but I have missed it because of my period, sometimes it helps to be a girl
13) Ever been kissed in a romantic place or time?: probably
14) Had an imaginary friend?: I thought you were my imaginary friend
15) Ever hook up with a friend: every boyfriend I've ever had was a friend first. I feel weird just hooking up with randomb people, I'd rather know a little bit about them first.
16) Ever cried during a film: Armeggedon gets me everytime (shut up)
17) Ever been in love with someone and they didn't know it? I thought I was in love, but I was just 16.
18) Ever thought of animated characters as hot?: no, cartoons should not be made to be goodlooking, it makse me uncomfortable
19) Ever think one of your friends were hot?: Dave
20) If someone you didn't know just happened to ask you out would you say? I would say no, I don't even like people that I don't know talking to me nevermind asking me out
21) What's the first thing about a person you notice? eyes, eyes are beautiful
22) Shampoo: whatever is in my shower at the time
23) Color: ruby
24) Summer/Winter? I like summer because I get to spend more of it with DAve
26) Lace, silk or satin?: lace so pretty
28) Who have you known the longest out of your friends? Zoppo
29) Who's the loudest? I try not to have loud friends
30) Who's the shyest? I don't remember
31) Who do you go to for advice? the gay or my sister
32) Who do you get along with the best? Dave
33) Cried: yeah
34) Been mean: I try not to be, but sometimes I get drunk and I can't help it, I'm sorry
35) Acted blonde: I don't act blonde, I just have moments of brain not thinkage . . . like now
36) Been sarcastic: yeah I do do that someimes
37) Sang out loud in the shower: only when no one is home
38) Talked to someone you have liked: I talk to Dave all the time
39) Told someone you loved them: Dave
40) Hugged someone: I hugged Jimmy before I left his hosue
41) Been depressed: I'm trying not to waste my summer on depression, its not worth it
42) Wished upon a star: On Kates birthday we both saw shooting stars, I saw mine first andI felt bad that she didn't get to see one on her birthday so I tried giving her mine but then she saw another one right after so I got to keep my wish
43) Laughed until you've cried: maybe when I'm high
44) Played Truth or Dare: not recently
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: I saw it when I was at Daves lake house
47) Broke up with someone: not recently
48) Just sat and thought: I thought it was called "zoning out"
::::ARE YOU:::::
49) Lonely: no, Dave is asleep but JJ is keeping me company online
50) Happy: yes
51) Talking to someone: JJ and Christian
52) God/Devil: yeah
53) Love: yes
54) The Closet Monster:no
55) Santa Clause: when its fun
56) Heaven/hell: yea
57) Fairies: clap your hands peter, its the only way to save me
58) Half empty or half full: half full until some fucker comes over and drinks it all and you have to shoot his ass with a shot gun
59) Who named you: my parents
60) Favorite quote: "more cowbell"
61) When was the last time you showered: today when I woke up
62) What was the last thing that you said when you were online: today when I wokd up
63) My favorite food: there are too many to choose from
64) What is your computer desk made of: I don't have a computer desk, but Daves dads computer desk is made of wood, from what I can see
65) What was the last thing that you ate: Sweet Mesquite BBQ pringles
66) Where do you want to go on your honey moon:I really don't know
67) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Dave
68) Night or Day: night
69) What type of weather: my favorite kind of weather is during the summer when its nice and warm out and there is a cool breeze that cools you down extra when it blows, you know, summer nights. You know what I mean.
70) What did you do tonight: I worked and then went to Jimmys when I got out, brought Dave home, he passed out and then I drank beer and did this.
71) Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex: Dave
72) How do YOU eat an Oreo: I eat off the top layer off the cookie, then eat off the filling by scraping my teeth along the bottom cookie and then eat the bottom cookie
73) All time favorite TV shows: too many to think of right now
74) Dream vehicle: 70s drug dealer car
75) What do you want to be when you grow up: Uncle McCroin
76) Favorite type of music: anything but rap, and even some kinds of rap I like (but not many)
77) Favorite band/singer: too many
78) Dessert: tara masu
79) Favorite Songs: too many
80) Favorite Music Video: Sexx Laws by Beck or Bowl of Oranges by Bright Eyes, I really can't choose
81) Favorite Animal: PANDA
82) Where would you spend your day: with a certain boy
83) If you could change your name what would it be: I like my name
84) Favorite Day of the Week: Friday because its a party night but you've still got the whole weekend ahead of you
85) Started something on fire: my own hair
86) First Son's name: Jesus
88) First daughter's name: who cares, girls dont count anyway right? har har har that was a joke
89) Silver or Gold: silver
90) You like scary or funny movies better: funny
91) On the phone or in person: I hate the phone
93) Do coconuts migrate: who cares, as long as they migrate to my tummy
94) Do you have pets: Wilson, Whiskey and Buddy
95) What kind of pet do you want: a puppy
96) Favorite carnival food: candy apples
97) Favorite movie genre: everything
98) Who sent this to you:Kendra my love
99) One funny thing a friend said to you today: Jimmy said lots of funny things but I'm drunk now and I don't remember
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey: ok
101) Time Finished: 1:07 but I was talking to people online, give me a break fucker