May 14, 2004 20:49
Well, today was unusually good for a B-day. ((b-day as in block scheduling, not birthday))
For one, Lukanich didn't talk for the two hours practically, starting off great.
Secondly, got a 99 on my math test! Fuck yeah!! ::dances::
Thirdly....oh wait, that's it.
Soccer game. Won 2-0. Saw Kate briefly.
Didn't see the hair up close, but it looked specTACULAR.
Ohhhhh man. Mean Girls tomorrow with some people. Hopefully
God, I wanna fuckin party this weekend!
Get drunk and make out and then pass out.
Not. That sounded nothing like me.
Anyway, I need some advice from some people.
Actually, I know what they're all going to say, but I still want it.
Call me if you wanna do something this weekend.