(no subject)

Mar 23, 2007 11:03

Hi everyone;

Just wanted to let you know that we are doing OK and things are moving
(slowing) towards rebuilding. Our house is pretty much gutted out but
they are still finding some problems. We have three broken gables in the
front of the house and now they have found that we have trusses that are
cracked. The cinder block area over the garage has to come down and be
wind cracked it pretty good. We are staying in a relatives house here
in the Villages close to our house which is been great. Our insurance
company has been fantastic though this whole thing. When I get the pictures on
the computer I will send you a before and after of the house.

We are still waiting for our car to be repaired. That was a disaster.
Our insuracne company has been great but the first place we had it towed to
were horrible. Good thing for golf carts. We rented a car for the first
two weeks after the tornado so we could get all the stuff done we needed.
The insurance paid up to $600 for the rental so we use it only when we need
Trying to save as much of our own money.

We both are doing well mentally. Still have problems sleeping at
night. At least my heart doesn't come thru my chest for the first hour when we go
to bed. I am still very jumpy with loud noises and bad weather. Vic is
finally sleeping better. He would wake up at 3:12 am, often. We have
started to get back to a normal life!! Golfing/bowling/ballroom
dancing. I have gone back to work for Hospice and putting in a lot more hours then
I should but I want to have everything done and paid for at the end of
this and maybe I can officially retire.

We have had a lot of support from friends from up North that are living
here. Vic's son has been a great help and a tremendous amount of
support. I can't say enough about Red Cross who helped the community out for
weeks after the storm. Members in our old church in Palm Beach County also
helped out tremendously.

Our neighbors are all doing well. We are all using the same contrator
so we are together a lot keeping up with what is going on.

Keep in touch. Once we are rebuilt you are all welcome to come and


Debbie and Vic

my family has the worst luck ever...but I am so greatful that I havent lost any of them yet
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