Abortion?: against and for in some cases
Death Penalty?: against
Prostitution?: for
Alcohol?: for
Marijuana?: uh.. against
Other drugs?: for/against
Gay marriage?: for
Illegal immigrants?: I dont really care, for?
Smoking?: against
Drunk driving?: against
Cloning?: against, it makes no sense.
Racism?: against
Premarital sex?: for
Religion?: against
The war in Iraq?: against
Downloading music?: for
The legal drinking age?: against
Porn?: for yo
Suicide?: for
have you ever been called..
a slut? - yes
a whore? - yes
fat? - yes
anorexic? - no
a lost cause? - uh no
poor? - yes
a mama's child? - no
a zit-face? - no
stinky? - no
a bitch? - yes
rude? - yes
a satanist? - no
sexy? - no
thoughtful? - yes
bigoted? - no
ditzy? - yes
insane? - yes
flat-chested? - no
an owner of breast implants? - no
a member of the opposite sex? - no
gay? - no
ugly? - yes
gorgeous? - yes
immature? - yes
too mature? - yes
older than your years? - yes
wiser than your years? - yes, some skating coach told me that
a hypocrite? - yes
egotistical? - no
self-centered? - yes
flamboyant? - no
a bad singer? - yes
a sorry excuse for a human being? - yes
a waste of space? - yes
a soul mate? - no
a frump? - no
a nerd? - yes
a geek? - yes
a jock? - no
a preppy? - no
a punk? - no
a goth? - yes
a bump on a log / stick in the mud? - no
a poop breath? - possibly
a lazy bum? - yes
a retard? - yes
Just saw LA CAGE AUX FOLLE! HAHAHAHHA. ROBBIE WAS EXCELLENT AT BEING GAY. WHICH HE IS. SO GO HIM! He was a MAID/BUTLER, because they hired a Butler and got a MAID. har de har.
Joe was drunk.